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I get back home, placing my bag on the counter and receiving a text from Brendon that read:

Loving the makeup job in Emperor's New Clothes. I wonder who did such an amazing job?

I roll my eyes, which seemed to by my reaction to everything nowadays, and start to type back my reply:

I know a person. Although she says you told her that it "could be better"

Brendon's reply comes 10 seconds after:

I love you.

I laugh, sending him a kiss Emoji and walking up to my kitchen for something to eat, but not before hearing a knock on my door. Of course.

Sometimes my house feels like a museum.

I open the door, and there stood Kayla. My eyes widen at the fact that I haven't seen her in a while, and that I haven't updated her on Brendon.

I run my hands through my hair, hoping she doesn't freak out again. "Oh my gosh, Kayla! I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, everything's been happening so fast and-"

She smiled, waving her hands in front of me, interrupting me. "Luna, it's fine! I understand you're trying to get your life back together again. I came here for a visit, not to yell at you." She giggled as she enunciated her words.

I invite her in and I close the door, sighing in relief. We sit down on the couch.

"There's so much you need to know." I let out a breathy laugh, making myself more comfortable next to her.

"Tell me everything." She places her chin in her hands, her elbows on the couch and her feet in the air, as she lays down next to where I was currently sitting.

I inhale before I start talking. "Brendon and I are dating."

Her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! Have you guys had sex yet?!?" She looks up at me like an excited little puppy.

My face turns tomato red. "Kayla!" I embarrassingly yell at her, covering my face with my hands. This isn't exactly something I like to talk about to other people.

"Well?" She continues to look at me. "Did you?" She pokes my shoulder, teasing me.

"...Yes." I admit, my hands still covering my face, but I admit defeat and drop them later.

"Oh. My. GOSH!" She jumps up and down in my couch, on her knees. I laugh at her excitement.

She sits back down and places her hands on her chin, yet again.

She stares at me for a while, and I wait for her to spill out her question, knowing her. "...Does he fuck nicely?"

My eyes widen. "Kayla, what the fuck?" I nervously laugh.

She rolls her eyes, a smile on her face. "Is he good? Is he sexy? Passionate? Dominant? Shy?"

I let out a breathy laugh, shaking my head sideways. "That's for me to know, and for you to never find out!"

She pouts. "Fine. Where is he now?" She raises an eyebrow.

"He's in the Fueled By Ramen offices – it's his label." I explain.

I Hate You, Brendon Urie.Where stories live. Discover now