Chapter 2: First Night

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Chapter 2

Zoe's Pov.
"GONE WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE IS GONE?" I couldn't breathe, this is just a bad dream, this is just a bad dream I'm gonna wake up and it's all gonna be a bad dream
"Zayn quit the band after our last tour" Louis explained to me, we stood out on the back porch of the house, he was closest with Zayn therefore he felt it was his duty to tell me.

"But he has also gone back to Perrie, they are a couple again" Louis added.
Okay now I hope this is a bad dream,
"I just talked to him last month, he was fine and happy he said he loved me, he would never leave me" I cried, the tears never came just anger billowing out of me.
"You lier you lier you....lier" I hit his chest hard, his size dwarfing mine, he quickly grabbed my wrists as the tears came out, he was my everything and he is now gone.
My knees gave out and I fell down on the wooden decking, Louis caught me as He knelt down next to me, me crying into his chest
But he should have never done this, it should be Zayn holding me like this when I get upset


Nothing can describe how much I question his movements, why would he do this?
What did I do for this to happen?
Was I a shit girlfriend?
Did I not give enough to him?
What then?
I just can't stop crying over this boy can I?

Liam's Pov.
"Okay that's low" Sarah spoke after we gave the girls the backstory why Louis dealt with Zoe outside, why would Zayn do that to Zoe, she loved him. And what he just did was the lowest of the low for her, okay let's put the perspective into this, yes I would like to understand why he left the band, he said he was under a lot of stress and we thought this was only going to be temporary, but then he decided to quit and sign onto a new product altogether and then go as far as to hook up with his ex and dump Zoe. I mean come on that was too much for anyone of us especially Zoe to understand or go through.

I heard the back door open as Louis lead Zoe inside, hands on her shoulders, her eyes bloodshot and puffy, she didn't deserve any of this.
"Come here ZoZo" Diana opened up her arms, Zoe did not hesitate to go into them, slowly one by one all the girls climbed and latched onto this group hug, offering Zoe every piece of comfort they had .

"You have us Zoe, we may not be blood related but we are your family and we are going to help you get through this" Harmony spoke up, Zoe nodded as she sat up, using her thumbs and palms to rub her eyes dry.
"We are a pretty sappy bunch arn't we?" Harmony joked trying to lighten the situation, Zoe sat up as she wiped her eyes.
"I know, right now though I just don't want to think about it okay? I want to accept it on my own time okay?" She asked, we all nodded, Niall saying it was fine and Grace saying to take all the time she needed, however as I looked over to Diana I could see the concern in her eyes, Zoe isn't the one to take things in her own time, she liked to cry get it over and done with and then try to function. This wasn't the Zoe we knew but we didn't question it.

"Okay uh, anyways about room arrangements?" Niall offered up, trying to change the topic and mood of the room, we had to start sorting out who was staying with who and how we were gonna get things done for the house.
"Okay there are ten rooms and ten of us" I started, Louis quick to object,
"I would like to think I can sleep in the same bed with my wife thankyou very much" he outraged in absolute amusement, we chuckled at his objection and decided to as sort the rooms in this way since most of us had girlfriends or wives or soon to be wives.

Diana and I share a room
Harry and Sarah share a room
Harmony and Zoe share a room
Louis and Eleanor share a room
A bedroom for William
Niall and Grace share a room

That's six rooms out of ten being used, maybe the rest we can use plus the bungalow as guest rooms when our families come to visit.
"Okay now that we know who is sharing a room with whom, let's get unpacking cause it's almost 9pm" Eleanor suggested, holding a almost asleep Will in her arms, Louis nodded.
"Guys it's late, let's just take our overnight bags, sleep and then sort this all out in the morning when we are refreshed" Harmony advised, agreeing better with that option we quickly grabbed our bags and after bidding eachother goodnight we headed into our new bedrooms.

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