Chapter 4: Cake or Muke? Tis the question

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Chapter 4

Michael's Pov.
Driving back to our new house my mouth and facial expression was still in a shock man I couldn't believe it, Eleanor was going to have another baby.
"El please tell me this baby was planned" I asked her, recalling as to the stories I heard when she was first unexpectedly pregnant with William, and though the story was hazy I still remembered a few details like ya know Louis getting pissed, then going after El at the airport, Diana almost killed Louis and Liam as well as broke a shoe... Yeah don't ask it's something I just remembered.

"We have discussed about having another child a few times before and we were going to try for another baby so when he finds out hopefully it won't be as bad as the first time" she replied, All Time Low's 'Somewhere in Neverland' playing in the background, moving one of my hands from the wheel and resting it on hers somewhat made Eleanor feel more relaxe.

"Believe me he will be over the moon" I replied returning my hand to the wheel. Eleanor decided earlier that she wanted to surprise Louis with the news and swore me to secrecy (not that I had much of an option I mean come on, this lady threatened me that she would attack me with a butcher knife if I told) we also stopped by and bought some decorations and paint to make the doctors visit less suspious for our entry. As we pulled into the driveway I glanced over to see Eleanor smile, I think it's the most wonderful thing to have a baby and after everything she and Louis have been through this is absolute happiness for them both.
"Thanks for taking me Michael" she smiled grabbing the paint tins, I took them out of her hand as she went for the decorations bag, which I also took out of her hand. She looked at me confused.

"What? Your not gonna lift anything around me for the next nine months Ok?" I smiled walking with her towards the door " and your welcome" I finished as we walked in, only to have myself come face to face with chaos
Grocery bags were scattered in the kitchen, William was crying in his pack in play with Niall trying to calm him down from the outside as Calum and Zoe argued over where a loaf of bread goes while Grace and Diana were helping Harmony (who was limping) to the couch, while Luke, Ashton, Liam and Louis argued about paint and Harry and Sarah were at each others throats about which shade they wanted they're bedroom walls to be in regards to colour.

Where do we begin ?

Next thing I knew I heard a piercing whistle chorus through the house, sudden silence except for William's cries could be heard in the house.
"Much better, I can't go out to get stuff for more than an hour and this is what I must come home too" Eleanor spoke looking around. She quickly walked over to the pack and play and brought out William, soothing his cries.
"Okay Sarah, Harry what's wrong?" I asked them, Harry sighed and Sarah kept silent
"I wanted pink in our bedroom while he wants blue" Sarah replied showing me their colour choices,


This is an argument I expect between two little kids not a 20 and 19 year old.
"Okay so you guys then need to sit down and make a compromise, now Calum and Zoe why are you guys fighting over bread?" I asked, Eleanor walked past to grab an ice pack for Harmony, allowing me to take William from her. Calum had his arms crossed as I stared at him waiting for the story.

"She believes we should leave both loafs of bread out in the bread bin but we don't need both out, we can freeze one load so that we won't have both loafs go stale in one hit" he explained, okay seemed fair enough "but this one doesn't want to listen to the logic" he gestured to Zoe, leaving Zoe to smack Calum over the head with the bread, Calum dove for her leaving her to run around the kitchen island away from him as he ran after her before Zoe ran behind me.
"Okay okay, Zoe how about you give Cal's idea a try and if it's not affective then just leave both out" both Zoe and Calum nodded, agreeing as they continued to put the shopping away.

"Okay Harmony your turn what happened?" Eleanor asked as she placed the ice pack on Harmony's bruised ankle
"Well it started on a weekend in may" Harmony began sarcastically "I was looking for attention and needed an intervention" she continued, I shared a smirking look to Ash, Cal and Luke at her 'English Love Affair' references. However as soon as Eleanor looked at us with her death glare. The smirks left quicker then they appeared.

"Without the five sos references Harm" she continued looking back at Harmony with a stern face,
"Long story short, I was on baby patrol, I tripped on a toy truck and wham bam alamazam I have somehow sprained my foot" Harmony quickly spoke, Eleanor nodded
"Okay your good" she replied turning to the group of boys with paint covering them from their faces to their clothes
"What about you lot?"
All the boys started talking over eachother before I screamed for them all to shut up
"We had a fall out over paint shades in the house, and then Luke accidentlly stepped into paint. We all have been working on this for over 6 hours and we have headaches from the paint fumes and honestly now saying all of this I feel like we should have all taken a break before we broke out into argument" Louis rambled, the other guys shrugged as they decided to hang the paint up for the day and finish it tomorrow.
"Sorry you had to come home to this love" Louis planted a kiss on Eleanor's forhead as she sighed.

"If this is what living with you lot will be like then bring it on" she laughed. I placed the decorations down balancing William on one hip. A strange smell was coming from him and now I have placed two an two together.
"Uh Eleanor I think William placed a bomb in his nappy" I spoke trying to find a source of clean air to breathe in, I looked around and she was no where to be seen, only Zoe and Calum were in the kitchen and Harmony was on the couch with Grace. I didn't know what to do

"Cal" I spoke walking into the kitchen, Zoe and Cal both looking at me strangely as I sat William on the kitchen island, his cries getting a little louder
Sorry mate
"I- uh- think William needs to be changed" I spoke, he looked at me even more weirdly
"And...?" He trailed off, Zoe quickly changed her attitude
"I'll do it, an I'll teach you later?" She offered
Alleluia we have an angel right here people
"Thankyou thankyou thankyou" I smiled placing William in her arms as she walked off with him.
"Mate isn't she something" Calum spoke, a wishy washy look on his face.
"...OOOHHH CALL THE DOCTOR I THINK WE HAVE A LOOVVEEE SICK PATIENT-" I yelled out before Calum tackled me to the ground. Covering my mouth with his hands

"Don't say that, I meant isn't she something with kids. I don't like her" he quickly spoke, but his face told me a whole other story.
"Okay fine whatever you say mate" I spoke through his hand since it was still covered, he quickly removed it
"Sorry" he muttered before Luke walked in after removing the paint from his body and hair
"What the hell Cal? If fans see this then Cake is offically over" he mock cried, I laughed as Calum gave Luke a scowl. And removed himself from my body.

"What is it with these ship names" he cried walking off as I looked up at Luke from my position on the floor
"What?" Luke asked me, I chuckled as I kept looking at him
"Come on Lukey, Cal doesn't have to know we can have it-"
"MICHAEL DONT YOU DARE BRING MUKE INTO THIS" Calum could be heard, Luke's phone went off a few minutes later along with mine. Only to open it to see a twitter notification

@Calum5sos: Fans I need your vote. Do you ship Cake or Muke? @Luke5sos @Ashton5sos @Michael5sos

"Really he had to ask the fans?" I asked, still yes still on the kitchen floor
"Yep" Luke replied, before I knew it, I felt a heavy weight on my stomach, a childlike body in fact
"And William is on my lap isn't he?" I asked, not even bothering to look up
"Yep" Luke replied, as Williams giggles fell after.
"Well hello there" I smiled as I looked at Williams cheeky face, now slowly making me wish I was that age again. Oh well might as well make the most of it with this kid now that the arguments have dropped for the day.

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