Chapter 6: Search Party 2.0

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Chapter 6

Diana's Pov.
"Gone what do you mean gone?" Harmony asked, I was feeling anxious about this, she has no car, we are in a neighbourhood we are not familiar with, we are always stalked by tons of paps and fans.

"Gone, as in 'she left' as in 'she vanished' as in 'she disappeared' as in-" Calum got cut off as Harmony replied
"Okay I get it you fudge nugget" Harmony snapped, Harmony was always protective of Zoe because she was seen like the third sister to Grace an Harmony.
"Harmony don't panic we will find her" I reasoned, Liam started moving with the guys
"We need to search for her, Harry, Louis and I will take a car and so will Luke, Calum and Michael, you girls are staying here and so are Niall and Ashton. We'll call you when we find her or get any news of her I promise" Liam spoke hastily as the guys quickly got changed, running up and down the stairs grabbing things like blankets and flashlights and even food an water incase she was lost.

These guys are fast for searching people, Liam looked at me and noticed my anxious face
"We will find her" Liam spoke to me, pecking my lips "i promise"
"Just stay safe and find her" I hugged him tight scared to think of the worst.
"I will" he smiled before walking out the door, I watched as him an the guys got into the cars and backed out the driveway, I was honestly fearing the worst, after her car accident last year I of all the girls are worried for her saftey, they said she will struggle occasionally to walk an her back will hurt after long overdoses of activity, what if she has a back problem while the guys find her.

"She'll be back, they will find her. I know it" Eleanor spoke as she guided me to the couch, as we sat an waited for even the smallest of news to come

Liam's Pov.
I'm sitting in the drivers seat with Louis riding shotgun and Harry in the back, I am so anxious to find Zoe, an I can't believe that thanks to Zayn I am now awake 2:17 in the morning looking for Zoe.

"Oh oh oh" Harry perked up, I quickly stepped on the breaks thinking he found her
"Where is she? What is it Harry?" I asked, Harry shrugged
"Our new single is on the radio that's all" he spoke, turning up the radio as 'Drag me Down' played over the car speakers, both Louis and I shared 'are you friggen serious' looks to Harry as I continued to drive
"Harry don't do that ever again, unless you find Zoe. Don't give false alarms" Louis scolded Harry as my phone rang, the ID being Niall.
"Put it on loud speaker yeah" I spoke as Louis pressed the 'accept call' on the phone.

Liam: What's up Niall
Niall: how's it going
Louis: We have only been gone for 10 minutes Niall
Niall: Well she couldn't have gone far
Liam: she must have
Louis: Harry gave out a bloody false alarm the first round
Niall: Really? Over what?
Louis: He was hearing our new song on the radio
Niall: Oh really does it sound good
Louis: Niall not helpful
Niall: Sorry, Harry what the hell you idiot
Harry: Sorry geez I am trying
Niall: Still does it sound good?
Louis: NIALL
Niall: Sorry, look call me back if you find anything or her
Liam: Will do. How's the girls?
Niall: You don't want to know
Harry: That bad
Niall: Yep
Liam: Okay we will call you back soon. Bye

"Well I hate to be home with Niall right now" Louis remarked, I nodded
"Your right, I don't want to be either" Harry added, I sighed as we kept on driving, I wonder if the other boys are having better luck than us at the moment.

Calum's Pov.
"She's gotta be somewhere around here" Luke murmured, keeping his eyes direct to the road, I sat next to him trying to see if I could track Zoe down on her phone, but she must have either left the phone at home or I'm not picking up a signal because she isn't coming up.

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