Chapter 11: If at first you dont cake then try again

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Chapter 11

Ashton's Pov.
"That's it, we might as well throw the towel in" Luke cried sitting next to me at the kitchen island, poking and prodding at the cake we had left over from Louis's surprise cake, we sat here eating cake for the last hour and after our terrible attempt at cooking we figured we might as well just give up now.

"Hey lads what's wrong?"Liam asked walking in with Michael, watching us as we sat and ate cake while deciding how we were ever going to manage to regain our dignity after Grace and Zoe disperse makeup and ruin our reputations as men on twitter.
"We're doomed" Luke replied as I took in another bite of the sugary goodness,Liam looked around us to see the pots and pans, badly cooked meals in the bin and Calum on his phone trying to find some kind of meal that we can hopefully cook without stuffing up.

"Oh come now when at first you don't succeed, you eat cake then try again" Liam cheered trying to bring the positivity up in the room, I just stared at him
"Diana made you watch 'Mums night out' didn't she?" I replied, Michael smirked as he grabbed a fork and sat next to me, starting to pig out on the cake.
"Yes and I feel like this is the best quote to use in this situation" he replied grabbing a juice from the fridge "you can't let those girls bring you down, remember why you wanted to do this in the first place"
"Because we burnt toast and this one flapped his mouth longer than he should" Luke recalled glaring at me

"We can cook you a three course meal that will leave you wanting more" Ashton boasted. Grace sniffed the air around us strangely
"You smell that Zoe, smells like a bet"Grace spoke, I finally got the drift as to what she was doing and I nodded in agreement
"Fine then, if we can cook a three course meal with you guys wanting more, you have to wash our new car" Luke bargained, referring to their new old beat red four seat truck....yeah I'll wash it if it doesn't fall to pieces first
"And if you guys can't cook a three course meal, period. You guys have to allow us to do your makeup and hack your twitter accounts for 24 hours"Grace bargained, Ashton stuck his hand out
"Deal" I replied shaking it.Harmony, Niall and Diana walked through the kitchen door wearing their work out clothing. Diana started coughing hard
"What's burning?"
"The boys will explain later when they get their twitter hacked" Harmony replied as we walked off, Ashton yelling behind us
"We will beat you. You'll see"

I groaned and covered my face with my hands
"Luke why didn't you stop me"
"Because you were being Mr Big Ego in the moment"
"Right right"
"Well what are you guys going to do now?" Liam asked, Luke went through the recipe cards we have tried to attempt in the last four hours.

"Trouble is guys is that you have been cooking food that's way to technical, why don't you just do basics" Michael suggested throwing some French dinner dish recipe back on the bench.
"Hey has a point Ash, we could make our own three course meal our way" Luke urged
"But the bet?" I recalled, I wanted to win this bet very badly,and I wanted to do it perfect
"The bet means nothing to me, even if we loose, we get the satisfaction that we can actually cook" Luke spoke pushing the plate of cake back.

"Come on Ash it's worth a try" Michael backed Luke up
"Yeah really what could possibly go wrong?" Liam added
"Okay okay fine, so what do we know we can cook?" I asked, the boys high fived as Calum and Michael threw ideas to me, hopefully this is going to work in our favour
If not we are doomed.

Luke's Pov.
Soon enough it's now 6:45pm...
Dinner time
"Okay boys, ya ready to loose" Zoe laughed as she and Grace strolled into the kitchen followed by the crew, taking their places, Ashton and I started to serve up dinner.
"We are in fact ready to win" Ashton boasted as he placed a large pot of two minute noodles into the centre
"Okay so...we have gone for a very strategic and familiar approach that will enhance what skills and what meals we know. For the first course, two minute noodles of your flavour choice" Ashton spoke, glances thrown around the room
"For the second course we have made pizza with several toppings and for the third and final course we are serving pavalova cake or ice cream sundaes"

Grace and Zoe shot each other smug smiles, clearly thinking they won the bet, just wait till they get their tastebuds on the food, I mean it's up to the others as to whether they would eat this again, each took a large bowl of the two minute noodle soup that we created from the pot and chose their own flavours, eating their noodles in silence the time ticked by slowly, each minute longer than the last.

Was this it?

They did the same with second course, each choosing their own toppings, William gurgled as he threw his pizza pieces around in his high chair. At least someone likes our food.
By the time we served desert it was evident that we were going to loose this bet very very soon, and by god I hope that I can avoid that chance of humiliation very very much.
The girls tried to avoid giving any hint of emotion as they ate our food, tasting and inspecting it like they were the food police which was quite amusing. As soon as everyone finished their meals and Luke and I cleared the table the part I dreaded most came
Judgement hour

"Well lads I can very much say if I could fit more food into my stomach I would go for a second round" Harry replied giving his judgement
"I second that" Sarah smiled finishing her second serving of pav.
Everyone else gave their comments, pretty much all positive and how great we were and how we didn't need to serve anything extravagant because this was great to them, then we turned to our two main critics for our sealed fate.
"So girls...what do you say? Want more?" I smirked as looked at Zoe and Grace. Zoe and Grace looked at each other in defeat.


"Okay fine you win this time" Grace replied throwing her hands up in surrender. I jumped up and down and pulled Ash into a man hug, we were so excited.
"We saw, we came, we delivered, we won" Ashton sung around the table as the others applauded. Michael high fived me and Calum gave us a look of approval.

"Ash do you think you learnt a valuable lesson from this?" I asked as Ash calmed down, he nodded
" I learnt that you don't need to go all fancy to prove you can cook"
"And..." I trailed, not even saying the main lesson
"I should listen to my friends more" he added
"And..." I continued
"And..." He stopped and looked confused as if he was trying to remember what else he learnt
"KEEP YOUR EGO TALKING TRAP SHUT" I yelled at him as a joke, he rolled his eyes and walked over.
"Whatever mate, thanks for this it was fun" he smiled pulling me into another man hug. The girls smiled as we pulled apart.

"Okay come on Grace, we'll wash up and then tomorrow we have a car to clean" Zoe grabbed Grace and started to collect the plates and cutlery. They came over and hugged us
"Well played, boys well played" Zoe smirked winking at us, I laughed and followed Ashton out into the game room where Michael and Calum were hanging.
"What you boys doing?" Ashton asked sitting by them
"We need a new album out, thought we would try to make some starts on songs" Michael explained gesturing to his guitar and Calum's song writing kit.

"Okay so what have you guys written so far?" I asked grabbing my guitar from the corner of the room and sitting next to Michael, Ashton joined us.
"We have a chorus down but no verses" Calum explained, Michael started playing the chorus for us
"They say we're losers and we're alright with that
We are the leaders of the not-coming-back's
But we're alright though
Yeah, we're alright though
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah, we're alright though" Michael sang.

"Sounds good" Ashton smiled, Calum added as a joke "Feels good too"
"Well that's what we want the fans to have, something that sounds good and feels good and makes them feel like they have a song written just for them" Michael explained
"Guys I think we have the album name" I explained as the idea came into my mind from Michael's words, now all we have to do is get a first promotion song out in a few days and we will be all sorted

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