Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Waking up, I feel stiff and cold, the room is still dark, and it’s freezing in here. It’s the first time I have ever had a dreamless sleep and I hate it. I wince as I pull myself up to use the bathroom. I’m still finding it hard to breath from the beatings on my chest. While I am sat doing my business, I hear keys in the door outside. I hold my breath as I peak out of the crack in the door. I can’t see who it is. Finishing and quietly making myself decent I open the door and see a figure sat on the bed there back facing me. I squint slightly to try and figure out who it is...Marty?

He’s sat with his shoulders slumped, it looks as if he could be crying, but I’m it my Marty, or is that thing still in him. If I could just see his eyes I would know for sure. Walking round so I am facing him, I still can’t see his eyes because his head is down.

“Marty...please look at me!”

He lifts is head slowly, I let out a huge sigh of relief when I see his damp grey eyes look back at me. The sparkle I always loved in them is gone, they fill with fresh tears and I watch as they roll down his cheeks. He is scanning my face and body, he looks devastated.

“Oh...Izzie...I-I’m so sorry!”

He begins to sob again, not making a sound but his shoulders are shaking violently. I sit next to him and take his large warm hand in mine.

“ did this happen?”

He looks up to me confused at first, then sighs dropping his head again.

“It’s a spell...I’m not evil, but a spell can be cast so a demon is linked to a human!”

I’m horrified, I know Ayesha and her mother had no choice, but it’s still really scary what they are capable off. Marty squeeze’s my hand slightly.

“I-I saw...everything...I tried to stop him...but...”

my heart breaks at the sight of this broken man, a man i have and will always see as a second father.

“Listen...this is not your fault Marty so please stop blaming yourself...we are going to get out of this!”

Marty looks at me and smiles slightly; it’s not a real smile because it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“He will be back soon...he has to leave me after a couple of days because the link is forced, he gets too weak and I can break through a he leaves for a day and then he comes back...Iz...I don’t think I could cope seeing him hurt you again!”

He looks so small and venerable, nothing like the second father I have grown to think of him as, I hate seeing him suffer like this.

“They won’t be hurting me anymore Marty...”

He just nods; I don’t know if he knows about the baby, I don’t want to ask either. He has enough to worry about. The door opens again and Ayesha pokes her head in.

“Sorry...Mr Marty...we should really go now...okay?”

She is anxious, and keeps looking outside into the hall and then back into the room. Marty stands and I follow him, he doesn’t move to hug me so I move to him, he hesitates at first but then wraps his arms gently around me. He pulls away and kisses me on the forehead before leaving. The door locks again and I fall back onto the bed with tears in my eyes.

I must have fallen to sleep again, because the sound of the key in the door makes me jump and I stand on alert for whoever is here. My stomach growls and I moan in discomfort, I don’t think I have eaten at all since they have had me. Valarie walks through the door with a tray in her hand, my stomach growls louder when the aroma of beef and gravy hit my nostrils. She places the tray on the bed in front of me, and I immediately begin inhaling the food. Valarie turns her nose up in disgust.

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