Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Mia walks slowly to the front of our group; all the while she does not break eye contact with Katherine. Katherine is stiff, her face is emotionless but I know she is still petrified. I glance behind me and look at Ayesha questioningly, she simply shrugs her shoulders, and she seems as bewildered as I am. Mia stops directly in front of me and turns her back on Katherine. I notice Katherine relax slightly and compose herself. The smaller man to her right begins to walk over to us, he is literally boring a hole in the back of Mia’s head. Without even glancing behind her Mia holds up her hand.

“I will deal with you in a moment Noah!”

The guy stops mid step, his eyebrows screw into one line as he glares at her, but he sighs and turns back to stand next to his pals. Mia’s gaze softens as she looks from me to Machala and then smiles at Ayesha behind me.

“Isabella...I need you to trust me...I am making all of your parents leave...they are not safe here...your visitor has brought evilness into this house and I cannot stop it from coming!”

Mia steps a little closer as she speaks full of authority and confidence. Katherine grins behind her but quickly sobers when Mia snaps her head to glare at her. It scares me how little I know, I hate feeling out of control.

“What about us...should we leave...I don’t you know Katherine...what is going on?”

Machala tense’s beside me as she looks to Mia; I automatically squeeze her shoulder for comfort. Mia smiles slightly.

“ all need to kids are much stronger need each other...Noah will help you...I wish I could do more...but this is something only you can do...myself and Maria will find you when we need to...but for now please stay with Noah!”

The guy Mia refers to as Noah now walks over to us and stands next to her, he is only a couple of inches taller than the small woman, his skin is golden brown and his features dark and gentle, his eyes are a familiar green with specks of brown, he is well built like a karate expert would be. He looks from Mia and behind him to Katherine, who now is shaking slightly with anger.

“Mia...I can’t take responsibility of these people...I am here to protect Katherine...I-I can’t abandon her!”

My opinion of Noah changes slightly with these words, how can he care about that bitch so much! Mia shakes her head, she is no longer smiling but she doesn’t look angry either.

“You do not have to abandon anyone, I am simply asking you to do what you can to help...shortly you will no longer have to worry about protecting that thing...I promise...just do this for me and you will find who you seek!”

Noah’s whole demure suddenly turns fierce; his eyes glaze over with anger and hatred.

“Do not promise what you cannot give!”

He spits out the words so venomously I flinch back. Mia turns to face Katherine and points a finger.

“You...I know...I know what you want...and I pray to the creator that you will not succeed...”

She is cut off by Katherine’s menacing laugh.

“Old not waste your prayers....I will do as I please...and don’t think about standing in my way!”

Mia’s shoulders slump slightly as she sighs.

“You know I cannot stand in your way...he has made sure of that...but these amazing beings behind me will and I have faith in them!”

I don’t know if they are talking in code, I have no idea what any of this means and my head hurts from tiredness and confusion. I glance at Regan who is taking in everything being said. Mia turns to Noah again and takes his hand, I thought I saw her give him something but I could have been wrong. He nods and she walks slowly out of the room. There is no longer any music or other sounds coming from the hall, I can only assume the house is empty now apart from my small group here in the hall way. Noah walks back to his group, he looks uncomfortable, and he no longer holds the same emotionless gaze his friends do.

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