Chapter six: School day at the dwma

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Your p.o.v
When I woke up in the morning I felt two sources of body heat surrounding me. When I looked next to me Ethan and chase were there. They both were snoring and sucking in the ceiling. This made me laugh, I got up and gracefully jumped off the bed. I left the twins room and headed into my own. I went and showered and then ransacked my closet to find an outfit that looked nice. I picked out an aqua blouse and denim shorts, white converse and my (h/c) hair into a french braid that went into a fancy bun. As soon as I finished i cleaned my room up and went to check on the twins.

When I looked in their room they were still sleeping so I decided to wake them up with my witch powers. My powers are pure unlike my mother because I choose to not kill humans and eat their souls. When I used my magic on the twins they both got up and groaned. "(y/n) what the hell?" "It's time to get up we have school" "both groaned again and dragged their buts around till I told them we only had ten minutes till school started. This was true so I put three cookie dough pop tarts in my bag and waited for the twins to be done. Ethan came out in a tank top with a flannel, denim jeans and black converse. Chase came out in a white polo and khaki joggers. Chases hair slicked back and ethans hair spiked up. I made them transform and began to haul ass to school.

When we reached the top of the dwma steps I threw the twins in the air and fell on the floor because I was so exhausted. When we reached the dwma is was 6:34 and I was pissed. Someone must of changed the clocks in the house, I knew I should of checked my phone first. The twins sat down next to me and for the next twenty minutes I was catching my breath and regaining my strength. At 6:54 is when the gang came up the steps of the dwma. They all came walking over to me, Black star looked down at me and then begun to laugh. "HAHA THE ALMIGHTY BLACKSTARS PRANKS HAVE WORKED AGAIN." Soul looked at him and then got really pissed. "Blackstar you know what you did was so uncool" he crouched down to my level and helped me up. I was able to stand but my legs began to hurt. I sigh and and soul comes and gives me a piggy back ride. "Blackstar it's so uncool to hurt your best friends girlfriend" this made me blush and I'm guessing that makes us a couple now. Ethan and Chase look upset but they don't show it while they're around our friends.

We headed off to first period which was the e.a.t class. We had professor stein and we all took our normal seats. Soul set me down in my chair and six minutes later everyone started to pour in and the class begun. It was more dissection and I wish something exciting would happen for once. When the bell rung Maka, Kid, Blackstar and I all headed off to our meister class while soul, liz, patty, chase, Ethan and tsubaki headed off to their weapons class. On the way their I stopped at my locker and the others went on. I pulled stuff out and dropped stuff off. That's when I began to catch up with the others. On the way there, there was a weapon girl who was fighting off bullies. Since my soul wavelengths is compatible with anyone's I run over to her and make her transform. The bully had her weapon transform and the fight begun. I swung the young weapon at the bullies weapon making them clash against eachother, I jump up, do a three sixty back flip and land her blade again the bullies throat. "Leave the girl alone or else you won't be sparred next time." The bully ran away and the girl thanked me for helping her. I throw her into the air and got my stuff for class.

I meet up with the others and we go inside our meister class. During class I told them why I was late and they understood. They said many meister are to afraid to stand for what is right. That pissed me off and for the rest of the school day I had an objective, lord death needs to hear it.

Souls p.o.v
By eighth period (y/n) was clamed down and everything was alright. When the period started we all got out our things and begun to take notes. Throughout the period I looked over at my love to see if she was alright. She had fallen asleep but her notes were absolutely amazing. At the end of the class we packed our things up and I woke up (y/n). She looks at me and her eyes come into focus again. She packed her stuff up and we all headed to our lockers. We found out everyone's lockers were in the same row so we didn't have to split up. Kid invited us for a slumber party because it was Friday and we had no school tomorrow. But we had to reschedule for tomorrow night because most of us had weekend missions we have to do.

Instead of the slumber party tonight we decided a good game of basketball should suffice. We all went home and changed into sport attire. I threw on a blue sweat shirt and black sweatpants. Maka changed into her normal sports attire. We headed off to the court were we would be meeting everyone else.

Ethans p.o.v
When we got home we all went to our rooms to change. I went with a white tank top and basketball shorts. Chase went with a black tank top and sweatpants. When we left our room (y/n) was in the living room waiting for us. She had a pink sports bra on and white athletic sports shorts. She was also wearing a pair of white and pink shape ups. We all grab the water and snacks since we were in charge of that and made our way to the basketball court. When we got there kid, liz, patty, soul, maka, tsubaki and Blackstar were all there waiting for us. I took the snacks and stuff from my meister and put it on the side lines. Then I joined the rest and we decided to make teams. Of course kid had to make it symmetrical so on kids team was liz, patty, tsubaki, Blackstar and himself. On my team was chase, maka, soul, (y/n) and myself.

We spreaded out and the game begun. Kid passed to soul and then soul passed back to kid. Then kid came running down the court dodging everyone, that's when I stole the ball and headed down the opposite side of the court. I grab the ball and made a slam dunk. That was two points for my team and none for kids. After a while of playing the game ended and the score was 25-36. Our team won and kids loss. For his punishment liz and patty had to move all his picture three centimeters to the right and unfold the toilet paper. Kid was pleading for a different punishment. That's when I walked over to him and said he had two choices either kiss the person you like or everything becomes asymmetrical. He sighs and walks over to maka, and pulls her into a sweet and passionate kiss.

They both blushed when he let go and then kid asked maka out. She said yes and everyone was happy. Today two couples were formed, only chase and I aren't happy with the first couple of the day. We all headed home for the night so we could do the missions we took on. That night chase and I went to bed early and didn't say a thing to our meister. We were upset with her decison, we want her to be protected and not get her heart broken.

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