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WARNING: Before you starts to read it, keep in mind this story will soon turn into a LEMON. It means the next chapters will be characterized by sexual contents, smut, non-con main character, sadism, masochism, kidnapping, scurrilous language, Stockholm syndrome, BDSM and a long list of questionable fetishes.

If you feel like one of the things listed above could disturb you, I then suggest you to not read it. Otherwise, please enjoy the reading and feel free to leave a comment; constructive reviews are gladly accepted! :)

Also, please keep in mind that I absolutely DON'T support rape. These kind of stuffs are made to be enjoyed only and only in written form, and don't reflect my ideal idea of sex.


Black. You were lying on the ground, head aching as if cracking in half.

How you'd gotten into this mess you just didn't know. Ironic how at the beginning the day promised well. To tell the truth, that day was supposed to mark an important step in your career. As ordered by your boss, you had to go as his representative to the World Meeting Conference, attend the entire session, take some notes and write a report for him. Even though you weren't actually a country, you had been allowed to participate, on condition that you would have kept the information you recorded top secret. Thanks to your job, you already had occasion to meet some of the countries, but you never thought to have the opportunity to attend one of their legendary meetings. Needless to say that you were so excited at the thought.

Unfortunately, all your expectations were shattered when, at barely 20 minutes after the start, right on the conference's table formed a cloud of flying punches and kicks, containing no others than France and England intent on beating each other after a not-so-friendly argument about the Frenchman's military inability.

In a few moments, chaos was totally unleashed. China and America tried to separate the two litigants, only to be engulfed in turn by the brawl; Germany was yelling like crazy to stop immediately; Italy, frightened, quickly hid himself under a chair; Russia watched amusedly the scene with his usual childish smile; and as for Japan, well, he just shook his head in disappointment, not saying a word. Water glasses shattered on the floor and paper sheets flew everywhere, soon turning the meeting room into a chaotic battlefield.

In the middle of that mess, you couldn't understand anything anymore. And as if that weren't enough, the few notes you were able to write weren't anything of so important. Knowing that as a common person you couldn't have done anything to calm the quarreling nations down, you decided to go out and get some fresh air, hoping for the situation to pacify at least a little. Thinking this, you excused yourself and silently walked out from the noisy room.

"And now what will I tell to the boss?" you thought worryingly, slowly walking toward the main door.

And it was at that precise moment that it happened.

Just crossed the threshold, you froze as your ears were suddenly deafened by a loud bang, which simultaneously came with a sharp pain that seemed to explode in your nape. The last thing you remember was you, lifted in the air and thrown forward by that monstrous hit, and the asphalt, going up and giving you a big, rough kiss. A salty, ferrous taste formed in your mouth. Your vision turned red, then black.


"... ..."

Voices. There were voices all around you.

You groaned, trying to understand what they were saying but your head started to hurt terribly, preventing you from concentrating. Your lower lip stung, still tasting of blood. You moaned in pain again, and this time the voices suddenly stopped. There were few seconds of silence, soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps. You could hear them better and better as they slowly approached, making you feel their almost imperceptible vibrations across the floor until they stopped, halting right next to you.

White Stone - 2P!Hetalia x Submissive!Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now