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"And the lucky winner is... Herr Lutz!" Oliver announced, playfully mimicking a German accent.

You nervously turned your head, just in time to see the mentioned man while his dark, tall figure emerged from the shadows, crossing the room at long strides. As the other Second Players stepped aside to let him pass, breath caught in your throat as you finally seemed to recognize his features. Actually, the simple vision of slicked back platinum blonde hair was enough to make your heart beat at thousand.

A deep scar, probably caused by a cutlass, gashed the skin of his left bone cheek, making the already fierce face even more threatening. The black, German WW2 field cap on his head was tilted down, hiding a pair of steely violet eyes in the shadow of the visor. A khaki military jacket rested loosely on his broad shoulders, his arms not in the sleeves, covering just partially the skintight white tank top underneath which nicely outlined the man's well toned chest and abs. He wore black pants, same color knee-high boots and leather gloves. Hanging loosely from his strong neck, a metal chain with the unmistakable Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, removing any doubt concerning the Second Player's nationality.

The imposing man stopped right in front of you, legs slightly apart in a solid posture and hands on his hips, causing you to notice only then the three parallel scars on his right arm. His amethyst irises coldly scanned your body, running up and down your shivering form with thoughtful look until a mischievous smirk suddenly curled up a side of his lips, sending a chill up your spine.

"Guten abend, Fräulein." he greeted you, his voice marked by heavy German accent, husky and deep.

You didn't need a dictionary to understand what he said, but your throat had suddenly got so dry that even if you had tried to say something all that would came out from your lips would have been no more than a small, choked stammer. Therefore, you had no other choice but remain silent, unable to look away from that deep, magnetic gaze.

"Vell?" Receiving no response, the German rose an eyebrow, calmly crossing his muscular arms as a small chuckle vibrated in his chest, "Don't you greet me?"

"This little one can be a bit shy at first, but don't let her fool you too much," Oliver warned him, smiling wide as he pointed a finger to his still slightly reddened cheek, "She got claws."

"A feisty type, mh? I see..." The corners of Lutz's mouth curled upward, his eyes glittering with malice. "Leave her to me, zhen. I vill take good care in training her." he swept his tongue over his lips, already foretasting your tender body like a wolf would do with a lambkin.

Your eyes widened and body flinched as these mocking yet sinful words reached your ears. What the heck he thought you were?! A mare?! You gulped hard, doing your best to glare up at him despite feeling yourself crush under such dominant presence.

But suddenly, before you could react, a pair of strong gloved hands firmly grabbed your waist and pulled you up from the ground, making you yelp in both surprise and alarm. Not waiting for you to fight back, Lutz effortlessly hoisted you under his arm and began to walk away from his comrades, holding you horizontally like if carrying a sack of potatoes.

"P-put me down!" you gasped and began to wriggle, kicking your legs in the air and punching anywhere your fists could reach, trying to break free from his grasp, "Let me g-!"

A smacking sound echoed in the air, followed by a high-pitched yelp from your lips as he playfully slapped your ass. "Save zhe cries for later, little vone," he chuckled mischievously, his eyes glowing while exiting the main room, "Ve have all night for zhat."


[Because of Wattpad's policies, I had to cut off the Lemon part. Please, find the uncensored version here:


Thank you so much for understanding. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story~] 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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