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"And the victory goes to... Luciano! Lucky lucky boy!" Oliver announced with a giggle.

"See? I told-a you." The young Italian chuckled, grinning mockingly as he displayed the little white stone between his fingers, practically shoving it in Al's face, that seemed on the verge of smashing the shit out of his skull.

"Go fuck yourself, dickhead!" The American snarled out of envy, gritting his teeth like a raging wolf.

"No," Luciano answered with a bitter laugh, "It's I who shall-a fuck her."

"W-what?!" You flinched at his words, not knowing whether to get offended for the sick joke or be frightened by the fact that he was serious. But your thoughts were interrupted as the person concerned suddenly turned towards you, making you jolt.

A sly smile appeared on his lips as he slowly approached to your shaking form, too scared to even try to escape; your (e/c) eyes wide, focused on the long, smooth shape of the knife still held in his hand. An icy shiver crawled up your back at the very thought of in how many different bloods that blade had watered itself. Personally, you've never had much sympathy for sharp objects. Indeed, you had always the impression of being in danger when someone handled them. Even in your childhood, when your mother was in the kitchen intent to simply cut some vegetables. The mere sight of a sharp object was enough to make you nervous. And now you finally understood why...

He snickered at your expression, grinning maliciously as he proudly admired his own reflection in the cold metallic blade before returning to stare into your scared eyes. "Sorry for the rude language, gattina," he pretended to apologize, slightly leaning his face closer to yours; his mischievous eyes gloving in dark hunger, "This is not-a the way to talk-a in front of a pretty girl like-a you, right?"

You trembling nodded, doing your best to hide the cold, persistent chill that crawled up and down your spine, making impossible not shake.

"Perfetto. Now..." He smirked, making you swallow loudly as he slowly traced his gloved thumb over the razor-sharp blade. "How about-a move somewhere a little more... private, mh~?"

Before you could even try to argue, he reached for you and firmly grasped your hand, making your heart jolt as you were forcefully pulled you up on your feet with a rough tug, so strong to thrown you forward and send you to bump straight against the Italian's flat chest. Luciano's free hand grasped your waist, making you yelp as the rather sensitive area of your body was abruptly clenched. He pulled you closer, pressing your hip against his, hard enough to hurt; a small squeak escaped your lips, making his grin widen in hot craving.

You wanted to squirm, wriggle away from the grip that kept you so uncomfortably close, but your attempts to rebel were interrupted even before they could start as a cold sharp feeling suddenly stung your belly, freezing you on the spot. Your eyes slowly turned down, widening in terror as they saw the dreaded blade touching your belly, light so to don't cut but hard enough to be felt through your shirt.

The Italian chuckled, pressing harder the sharp tip against your middle, smiling smugly at the stifled cute little gasp you made in response. "Ti avverto, bella..." his lips brushed your ear, making you shiver terribly, "Non fare stronzate."

You squeezed your eyes shut, gulping heavily as the combination of his hot breath tickling your skin and the dark tone of his voice made your hair to stand on the end, even though you didn't understand the words.

He stared at you for a few seconds, then, when he was sure that the message was well entered in your head, he began to walk out of the room, holding you tightly against him.


[Because of Wattpad's policies, I had to cut off the Lemon part. Please, find the uncensored version here:


Thank you so much for understanding. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story~] 

White Stone - 2P!Hetalia x Submissive!Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now