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"And the lucky one is... Uhuhuuu~ That's gonna be nasty... Allen!" Oliver chuckled darkly.

Your heart froze like a sack of water under zero. "Oh no..." You slowly turned your head in the direction of the mentioned rough American. Your body began to shake as your fearful eyes fell on his hand; the small coveted stone was lying in his palm, its smooth and white surface contrasting the black leather of the glove. "...not him!"

"Ha! I knew it!" he snickered victorious, smiling mockingly to the other Second Players and bouncing the little pebble up and down in his hand. Without another word, he then turned in your direction and reached you with a stride; his scarlet eyes glowing in dark excitement. Before you could react, two iron hands clasped your trembling shoulders almost painfully and lifted you effortlessly from the ground.

Your eyes widened in surprise and feet flailed as you felt the floor suddenly disappear under you. A faint whiff escaped your lips as your stomach was crushed due to gravity against a hard abutment. In a fraction of a second, you found yourself balancing on his shoulder, with your legs kicking in the air and face staring at what it seemed to be the American's toned derriere. Well, not that in another situation you would be sorry about that. A strong arm roughly hugged your legs in a crushing grasp, pinning them together against a muscular chest. Feeling your movement restricted you immediately began to struggle; your little fists punching the tough clothed surface of Al's back with all their strength. "Hey! P-put me down!" you shouted in fear, desperately trying to get off.

He simply chuckled and turned on his heels, striding leaving the room between the disappointed grunts of his comrades. A devilish smirk perked on his lips. This would have been a fun night...


[Because of Wattpad's policies, I had to cut off the Lemon part. Please, find the uncensored version here:


Thank you so much for understanding. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story~] 

White Stone - 2P!Hetalia x Submissive!Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now