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"And the honor goes to... V-Vladimir?" Oliver stammered in disbelief.

You slowly turned your head, looking in the direction the others Second Players had turned. When your eyes found the mentioned person, your blood froze in your veins like liquid nitrogen.

In a distant corner of the room, sitting on a damaged armchair, there was the largest man you had ever seen. His massive shoulders occupied all the backrest while the length of his strong legs gave an idea of the imposing stature of the Soviet Second Player. Until now, he was the only one who hadn't shown interest to what was going on.

He turned the small white stone between his gloved fingers, gazing at it at the flames' light with tired but still gorgeous ruby eyes. Dark caramel hair gently fell on a bored face marked by a huge nose and a strong jaw. He wore a long black coat, khaki pants, heavy black army boots that ended just below his knees and a long, grayish scarf wrapped around his neck that looked worn and quite old.

"R-R-Russia's Second Player?!"

You couldn't believe that the situation could have worsen down to this point. Obviously, you were wrong.

Letting out a light sigh, Vlad lazily stood up and began to walk towards you. At each step, the flooring emitted small squeaks of protest, as if it was about to collapse under his huge weight.

Your tremble was increasingly visible, though you were doing your best to hold it back and stay brave. Your eyes turned towards the floor, too intimidated to make eye contact with the threatening figure that slowly approached. The tips of his boots entered in your view, stopping just at few feet from you. You gulped hard and, with great effort, slowly raised your head... Your heart leapt up into your throat as your (e/c) eyes met those deep red of the giant Russian, widening in shock as you realized how tall he actually was.

He was right in front of you, staring at your trembling body and capturing every detail of your feminine curves with unblinking eyes. "You're so little..." He said at last with a thick Russian accent, giving an almost imperceptible smile.

You tried to say something, but your voice seemed been lost in a large lump formed in the back of your throat.

Not receiving a response, he shrugged and offered you his large hand, as if he wanted to help you to get up. You frantically shook your head and tried to back away, imagining what those hands could do to your fragile bones. This caused a few giggles from the other Second Players and a bit of irritation from the Russian that suddenly reached to you, wanting to make you understand that you hadn't other choice.

As you saw his gloved hand swoop on you, you were no longer able to resist. With heart pounding, you got up to your feet and turned in one single motion, trying to run away from him.

The result of your hasty action came in the form of steel claws that locked merciless in your (h/c) hair and pulled you back effortlessly in a second's fraction, lifting you like a puppy who has just combined a mischief. You began to scream, struggling with all your strength while your hands desperately tried to loosen the iron fingers that seemed on the verge of tear away the flesh from your skull.

Not at all disturbed by your weak struggles, the big Russian rolled his eyes and began to walk out of the room, dragging you with him.

"Hey, commie! Don't forget that tomorrow is our turn!" Al yelled from across the room. "So bring her back whole!"

Vlad just nodded and let out a dull "hm" of assertion, then left the room and calmly walked away, with his little screaming treat tight in his fist.


[Because of Wattpad's policies, I had to cut off the Lemon part. Please, find the uncensored version here: 


Thank you so much for understanding. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story~] 

White Stone - 2P!Hetalia x Submissive!Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now