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"And the winner is... Oh, that's a surprise!" Oliver exclaimed happily, showing the small white stone between his fingers.

"You and your fucking tricks!" Al snarled, angrily throwing the black one in his hand against the floor "You freak! I bet you've cheated!"

"I would never dare, my dear friend" Oliver answered, showing a mocking grin. "Moreover, you can't go against the fate... Am I right, (y/n)?"

You shuddered as two hands gently leaned on your shoulders. You slowly turned your head and looked up beyond you. Hundreds little ice ants climbed up your back when your (e/c) eyes met those icy blue of the English madman. He was leaning over you, his slender fingers teasingly massaging your shoulders, his lips stretched into an eager smile. That wide, disturbing smile, it looked even sicker seen from so close...

"Well poppet, we want go?" He said cheerfully, sliding his hands down your arms and raising you up on your feet. He then turned you, so you were now facing him, and offered his hand, bowing a little like a nobleman in front of a lady. Again that damn creepy grin... it made your legs tremble and blood froze in your veins.

You looked at his hand, unsure about what to do. You had no intention to take it, but the thought of how he could react in case of refusal scared you even more... Sighing, you give up and reached out timorously, leaning your hand in his awaiting one. His fingers closed gently, slowly caressing your delicate skin. You closed your eyes and shivered, ashamed for having accepted his invitation.

He smiled happily and began to bring you out of the room, gently pressing his other hand against your back, as for inviting you to follow him faster. "Come sweetheart, we have many things to do." He chuckled in your ear, his hot breath making you shiver even more.

Not knowing what else do, you just gulped hard and followed him like a pup...


[Because of Wattpad's policies, I had to cut off the Lemon part. Please, find the uncensored version here:


Thank you so much for understanding. Hope you will enjoy the rest of the story~] 

White Stone - 2P!Hetalia x Submissive!Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now