Coping with her Absence

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After that day, Jim didn't have the reason to see Mayim again and at the same time a part of him find his new secretary insufficient for he served Mayim as his basis for an ideal secretary. He shifted his bothersome thinking into something else and he decided to go back to clubbing and womanizing. He began to date other hot girls again and he unconsciously began to forget about managing his time and schedule again properly. He went back to coming late and being absent at work due to his late night hang outs and this didn't please his father. His father scolded him and told him hurtful words again due to his disappointment.

"What is going on with you? You've been so unprofessional for the past months. You're not taking your job seriously! Do you know how much wants to take your position? A lot. And you're just lucky that you got that but don't get too confident. If you would continue that attitude, I won't hesitate to fire you and give your position to someone more deserving." His father told him and left. Jim reflected and thought what was the actual reason why he turned that way and he couldn't think of anything else than he had no inspiration to work hard for nobody was motivating him.

Nobody motivates me like how she (Mayim) does. I need her.

He thought. He planned to visit her within the week.


Late Wednesday, Jim went to her place and knocked on her door. It stunned him to see Mayim's father open it and he was sober.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Bialik. Is Mayim here?" He politely asked. Mayim's father looked displeased. "No. She's at work. Who are you?" He asked. "Oh. I'm Jim Parsons, her former employer." Jim introduced himself. "You're not her boyfriend or something? Because I'm going to kill her of she had a boyfriend." Mr. Bialik asked. Jim was startled to hear him say that. "No. Absolutely not. Is there any chance you know where I could see her? I just need to talk to her for professional purposes." He said. "She works at a call center on the 2nd avenue. The small call center in there if Im not mistaken." Mr. Bialik said. Jim thanked him and left.


"Mayim. Someone's looking for you." Her colleague called her. She went down to the lobby clueless of who was looking for her for she had no friends or relatives nearby, and little did it surprise her to see Jim sitting on the waiting's area.

"Jim?" She called him with curiosity. "Mayim." He stood up and his face lighted up as he saw her. He ran to her and gave her a hug and it just came to him out of nowhere. "I'm sorry. It's just... It's been a long time since I last saw you." Jim apologized. Mayim grew a smile on her lips as she looked at him. He smiled back at her. Suddenly her boss came down and surprisingly her boss greeted Jim.

"Jim!" Mr. Johnny Galecki greeted him. "Johnny." He greeted him back and had some short conversation. Johnny was Jim's old friend. "What brought you here?" Johnny asked. "I came here for Mayim. My former secretary." Jim told him. "Oh. Miss Mayim." Johnny nodded. "I hope you won't mind to excuse her for me?" Jim asked. "Sure. Anything for you buddy." He replied and told his assistant to get a sub for Mayim to be able to go with Jim. Mayim was amused with how influential Jim was. "Enjoy your time." Johnny told them as Jim left with Mayim. "Thanks, bud. I owe you!" Jim told him.

"Wow. I didn't know you knew Mr. Galecki." Mayim told Jim as they entered his car. "Yeah. He was my old friend. We were college friends." He told her. Jim felt so happy to be with Mayim once again, smiles were all over his face. "So how have you been?" He asked. "Well. I work here every evening until midnight and then I work as a waitress every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the cafe few blocks away from my place." She shared. Jim was happy for her being quite stable, suddenly Mayim dropped her bag and it bothered Jim as he saw her injured arm, it faded his smile.

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