Chapter Two

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I know my books start slow but I just want you guys to feel the emotions and know my characters completely. With that being said Hold On because it is about to crazy and knowing me Very Very HOT and Heavy.


Colony Six: Ineffectual Division

Annika woke to the heavenly smell of bacon frying. Inhaling deeply she smile in bliss before sitting up quickly.Bacon! Blinking her hazel eyes repeatedly trying to adjust to the early morning light shining brightly in the one bedroom she shared with her mother and sister. Mother only cooks bacon for special occasions... Or not so special occasions. With that thought coming to mind she quickly jumped up from her cot on the room and rushed to the other room where her mother and sister were.

Annika and her family lived in the Ineffectual Division.These people didn't contribute to their colony. It mostly consisted of the Elderly,disable or those who have some type of mental illness. They were useless to the watchmen so they were not properly care for. The land that was given to them was almost impossible to farm. Even if you were able to grow anything you would have to worry about the neighbors stealing or possibly harming you for it. Division Agriculture brought food twice a month. The little that was given barely fed a two person household let alone three.

That was why waking up to bacon brought panic to Annika. The last time it was cooked was almost three years ago when the repudiated Halo soldiers came to their house to report her father had died. The next day her mom cooked bacon to ease all of their pain. It didn't ease anything.

Coming to a halt in their little kitchen she was shocked to see her mother and sister laughing while fixing breakfast. what the hell is so funny?

''Mom. What is going on?'' She slowly sat down on one of the crates they used for chairs. Looking at them like the lost their minds. Never had they laughed so much after father died. '' How did you get bacon. Did you trade something?'' Trading was used in all colonies. You traded something of value to obtain something desired. Something like bacon. The thing was they had nothing of value to trade. So how did mom get bacon and from who?

Turning away from the stove Mary looked at her daughter with a huge smile on her face. At forty six her mother was a knockout, she looks way younger then her years. Before they were placed in this division she and her husband Eric worked in breeding. Due to a certain incident, which Annika has yet to learn about, The Watchmen stationed them here with the reason being.. Incompetence. Even with dark bags under her eyes and stress lines marring her face Annika thought her mother beautiful still. Standing at five foot seven, a height that dwarfed her five foot one, and pretty smooth brown skin, she knew her mother turned heads. Not to mention a slim built with ample breast and butt that kept men trying to bed her. Disgusting perverts.

Now don't go thinking Annika wasn't a beauty. Curly brown and light brown hair that reached almost the middle of her back, mocha colored skin with hazelnut colored eyes slightly slanted at the ends and a small but curvy body got her plenty of attention on her own. Not that any of that matter here. In this division you try your best to go unnoticed. Many women had been raped because of their looks. So attention is a big far NO NO. Annika has to always watch her back and front.

''Annika!'' Her mother yelled. Yanking her from the inner dialog in her head. ''Sorry mom. What were you saying?'' Looking at her mom she could see the frustration on her face. If there was anything that pissed her mother off it was being RUDE. Like daydreaming in the of a conversation.

'' I said. Today the good Lord has truly blessed.'' Her mother said with a huge smile back on her face. Good mood restored.

'' O really. And how did he do that?'' Annika voiced skeptically. Her eyes narrowly in disbelief. No offence to the big guy but um he seem to have forgotten us these past few years.

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