Chapter Fourteen

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Annika stared terrified out the front window of the SUV where a group of masked armed people stood aiming all kinds of weapons at her and Nathaniel. Where the hell did they come from? Why are they here? And what the fuck was going on? Question after question ran through her head. Were they Halo soldiers? Had they been caught sinning? Am I gonna die a virgin? Ok, that last question was just crazy. But who gives a flying fuck, she was about to die. Maybe she should have stayed with her mother and sister at the military district? Sure, she had felt fear from entering but at least she would have been alive.

God, her instincts were shit. She knew that they would be put on trial. A public trial. The last public trail that Annika had witnessed was two years ago. Of course people from ineffectual were not allowed to physically attend, so a huge projector was brought in for them to watch the trail. Annika watched as soldiers dragged in a half-beaten to death man and terrified woman who looked like she had been to hell and barely made it back. As it had turned out, the barely conscious man and the woman- his wife- were part of the freedom fighters. They house them; providing food, shelter even medical care. As the ''Trail'' went on Annika couldn't help but wonder why it was called a trail when obviously it was a public execution. The watchman that proceeded over the trail was a sadistic fuck who just loved displaying his power and control over people.

Abner was Colony Six's Watchman. His name meaning Father of light. And like the other five watchmen, no one knew what he looked like. They were clouded in mystery. Everyone knew they existed but like the air they were invisible to the eyes. They were only known but name not presence. And if you were ever unfortunate enough to see one of them you knew that your time on earth was over.

A loud bang from the window to her right startled Annika from her thoughts. Nearly leaping out of her seat with fright she looked towards her window and almost pissed her pants. The first thing that caught her immediate attention was a rather large rifle pointed at her. Even though her window was rolled up and bulletproof she had no problem believing that - that gun would shatter her bulletproof window with little resistance. The second thing was the huge, clearly well-built beast of a man holding it. If the rifle didn't break the window glass she was almost positive one punch from him would do the job. '' Get the car now,'' God even his voice sounded bear-like.

Nervous and scared Annika looked towards her only hope. Nathaniel-who never said anything or even moved throughout this hold ordeal. He sat stiff and rigid. Eyes staring straight ahead and his eyebrows were furrowed like he was thinking. His hands still gripping the steering wheel. Shit. Was he scared also? That was no good. Even though she wanted to cry and beg for her life, Annika planned to go out fighting. What the fuck was wrong with him? Wasn't Halo Soldiers the big bad. Even though she had never seen him fight or anything she had no doubt he was a force to be reckoned with. So why was he-? A thought suddenly pops her in head. Did he not want to fight his fellow brothers in arms. Was that why he was hesitating?... Well, fuck that. Annika planned to bite, bitch-slap, and kick any dick welding person that approached her. Sure, she might get shot in the head but hey she wasn't about to meekly hand over her life.

Having given up on her ''Savior'' Annika took what could be her last breath of containment air and...

He moved.

Nathaniel after sitting there like bump on a log for forever moved. Annika was so shocked out of her warrior ass-kicking mode when a hand was placed on her left arm. Looking down at the hand and then up to Nathaniel's face. She raised her eyebrows in question.

'' Don't do anything reckless,'' He said in a serious tone.

Reckless. Reckless! How dare he! What did he expect her to do, smile and agree to death? This was all his fault in the first place. If he would have been born ugly and no so damn sexy she would not have tried seducing him and would not now be in this situation. '' Well, what the hell are you gonna do, huh?'' She snapped at him. She was scared and when she was scared she got angry. '' Why don't you just tell your fellow buddies that this is not what it looks like and then we could be on our way.'' Annika knew she sounds crazy and desperate. Only a blind idiot would believe that. And by the ' are you serious' look he gave her, he thought she sounded crazy too.

'' They are not my fellow brothers,'' All the past contaminated air she inhaled left her lungs in a rush. '' They are Rebels,'' Annika back slapped into her seat. '' So, therefore, do not do anything reckless.'' He finished.

''Rebels? Rebels as in the Freedom Fighters?'' Annika asked excitedly. There was no way she could contain her excitement. All her life she had wanted to be a part of the Freedom Fighters. Wanted to meet and join their cause. Now she might actually have a-. Wait a minute. A horrifyingly disturbing thought came to mind. Here she was, sitting in the passenger seat of a military car, giving head to one of the top Halo Soldiers not even a few miles from the Military District. shiiiiit. She was so screwed. There was no way she would be able to convince them of her true hatred towards them. With Nathaniel being the exception.

'' You seem overly happy that we are being surrounded by the enemy,'' Nathaniel said his voice full of suspicion. His eyes had turned harder and colder than she had seen before. Mouth set in a firm line like he was trying his hardest not say what he really wanted to. Oh snap, she knew that look. He believed once again that she betrayed them. Set him up. Which couldn't be furthest from the truth. All she wanted to do to him was suck and fuck him. Not kill or hurt him. God, this man was paranoid. '' I have no clue what you are talking about,'' Of course, she knew what he was talking about. But just in case she wouldn't be able to convince them to let her join and they decided to kill her she needed him to think she hated them or at least not wanted anything to do with them. Hey, a girl had to keep her options open. One never knows when you might need to change sides. And by the way, she had been discovered it was looking like Nathaniel was her only option.

'' I didn't know they would pop out of the sky-,'' Annika was cut off by another but louder bang against her window. Shit, she forgot about the human mountain pointing a gun at her. '' GET. OUT. OF. THE. CAR. NOW.'' Double shit. He was angry.

Annika expected that any moment the menacing Halo Soldier next to her would start withdrawing guns a plenty and become the killing machine she knew he was trained to be. So imagine her surprise when he slowly raises his hands in the air with the left one going towards the door handle. ''We are coming out unarmed.''

What the fuck was he doing!? 


Sorry, I know its short but for some reason, something told me to stop here. Plus this chapter didn't seem to flow easily from me like the ones before. Lol. The struggle was REAL. But I know couldn't just post anything. That is not me. I had to wait for inspiration to come. Seeing everyone vote and add my story to their reading list helped a lot. Like a lot, a lot. Lol. I do notice every add, comment, and vote. Thank you, soo very much.

P.S. Sorry for the long wait I will try to update regularly. Enjoy.

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