Chapter Twenty

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In the distance, there was a voice calling out to her but Annika was reliving an old forgotten dream. Where she was eight years old and had snuck to listen in on her parents and some creepy stranger night-time conversation.


The voice sounded closer and on the verge of being angry but Annika felt like recalling this dream was very important, somehow. She couldn't understand why would she remember it now? It's been nine years and it had only a dream, right? So why then did it feel more like a memory?

'' Dammit, Annika. If you don't answer me, now, the consequences will be harsh!''

Annika snapped out of her daze when she felt a large hand roughly shake her shoulder. Blinking repeatedly, the past faded as the present took shape. In the present stood a six-foot giant inch muscular killing machine glaring angrily down at her.

Annika immediately became aware of her current situation. The situation where she and Alexander were having at candlelight dinner in the middle of his tent. They were seated, opposite one another, in what looked like handmade wooden chairs. Stationed in-between them was a wooden table that also looked to be hand crafted. Looking around the tent Annika knew everything in it had been hand crafted. Annika knew because her father had crafted most of the furniture in her house. Also, he sold and traded many of his crafts to provide food and clothes for the family. There was a brown desk and chair on one side and many other little decorations scattered around. Each item seemed very functional. Kinda like an office.

The only thing that seemed out of place was the massive bed settled in the corner of the room. Of course, it would have to be enormous to hold the mountainous man that slept in it every night but what draw her attention to it was not the size or the very soft looking covers that laid upon it but the beautiful designs etched in the wooden post.

Annika felt eyes staring at her. Turning away from the alluring craving she locked eyes with Alexander's black ones. Those eyes were really very creepy. '' It seems you are rather interested in my bed, little one,'' Alexander said smiling. '' Would you look a closer look?''

Danger! Danger! Annika's conscience screamed at her. '' Um... No, that's ok,'' There was no way in hell she was getting anywhere near a bed with him.

Folding his hands together on the table, he leaned in closer to her. '' Ah yes, you prefer passionless androids, of course,'' he smirked in a mockingly way.

Oh no, he didn't. Annika thought angrily. Oh, yes he did. Her conscience answered back. '' What interest is it to you what I prefer?'' She spat out. Pissed and embarrassed at his statement.

Seemingly satisfied with her reaction Alexander leans back. His annoying ass smirk now a full blown smile. '' Just curious as to why a person who makes it no secret to how much she hates Halo's would be caught giving head to one in a black SUV not even an hour from the military district,''

This asshole. Annika was simmering with fury. How dare this steroid injecting fuck-ass say that to her. It was none of his damn business.

'' Hmm, steroid injecting fuck-ass, am I?'' He asked. His eyebrows raised slightly in amusement. Annika gasped loudly. Oh shit, did she say that out loud?

Fidgeting she looked away. '' Aren't we supposed to be discussing something else,'' She quickly replied wanting to steer the awkward conversation before she got herself killed with one of the sharp knives placed on the table in front of him.

The silence was his answer as he continued staring at her like she was his entertainment for the evening. A couple of minutes passed, with Annika getting more nervous by the second before he finally said something. '' Yes, we were supposed to be discussing other things, weren't we?'' he said, mockingly.

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