Chapter Fifteen

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The first lesson a child learns in the Preparatory School of each colony is about the Halo's. Every year a specific number of babies are taken and swept away to some unknown island for intense training under the watchful eye of the Watchmen. Unlike normal babies that are born within their district and then taken away from the mother to be trained within the Military District, these babies are genetically modified. Their DNA alter to make them smarter, stronger and faster than normal humans. Basically, the whole bodily structure is digitized but into human forms. Programs are then scanned into their brains. Programs that the Watchmen pieced together to create the perfect soldier. Their humanity almost non-existent. But like most computerize programs malfunctions are inevitable and the Halo's were no exception. When this happens they are given treatments. These treatments are not known to the public. The only thing most people agree on is that when a Halo went for a treatment and exit out they are even more robotic like. It's like their souls were being sucked out and something else was placed in.

They were the perfect soldiers.They only knew to follow orders and uphold the law. The perfect killing machines. Quick and deadly. They were the Watchmen's pride and joy.

Annika and Raven never attended Preparatory school. When the kids around them were sent into that district they asked their mother why they didn't go with them. The answer their mother Mary always gave was ' You two are unlike the other children'. Which of course confused them but their mother never explains what that meant so they soon stop asking. Everything they learned was taught to them by their mother or on the streets. Annika always assumed that because she and her sister didn't attend the school that their perception of life differ from other people because they were not influenced at a young age to believe all the hype about the Halo's. Instead, they were allowed to form their own opinions. Of course raven, unfortunately, chose to romanticize them, while Annika saw the truth. They were robots. Not human. Robotic killing machines.

So, imagine Annika's surprise when her robotic killing machine surrendered to the freedom fighters without throwing one damn punch.

They were currently in the back of some horribly smelling van going to who knows where. She couldn't even see where they were heading because as soon as she pulled out of the car by the human mountain she was blindfolded and her hands were tied by rope behind her back. The worst part of this whole ordeal was not being blindfolded, tied down and thrown into the back of some van, no, the worst part was when Nathaniel step out of the car with his pants and boxers around his ankles. And to add to her humiliation his dick was still semi- hard. The man didn't even try to fucking pull his pants up. Annika knew that semi-hard dick was her death warrant when everyone had looked at her in anger and disgust.

The van suddenly dipped as if someone drove over a pot hole causing Annika to fall to her right which happens to be where Nathaniel was. Landing in his lap she hissed in pain when her head connected with his knee. Was the man made out of stone? Fuck! She almost blacks out. She knew she was going to have painful bruise soon. As if acid was poured into his lap, Nathaniel quickly shifted his legs from under her still pounding head causing her to slam her face on the van's hard surface. Great, another bruise.

''What the fuck?'' Annika angrily yelled as she struggled to her knees, facing the direction she assumed he was. The silence was her answer. '' I know you not trying to ignore me?'' She swore she heard crickets in the background? Oh, hell naw, he is ignoring me. Annika became enraged. How dare he ignore her when their current predicament was all his fault. Annika chose to ignore the fact that it was partly her fault too but dammit couldn't he have at least pulled up his pants before surrendering like a coward. The great Halo soldier was a namby-pamby wimp. Where the hell was all that special training?

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