Clouds of Hatred

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My first day working for my older brother was interesting to say the least. Besides the fact that I had no idea what my job really required me to do, I had to hold back from calling Jellal...well Jellal. He didn't talk to me much; he just showed me how he would like his room organized, then left to talk with others to held a higher position. It was lunch time when he had finally returned. 

"The room looks rather clean. Nice job, kiddo," Jellal said, startling me. Kiddo? Since when was did he give me that nickname? I choked down the question and instead tried to jog Jellal's memory...again. Every chance I get to speak with him, I try to tell him something that would hopefully remind him of our childhood.

"Thank you, but why not just call me by my name, Kimeala," I placed a slight emphasize on my name. His eyes stayed as blank as ever. Being somewhat shorter than him, Jellal leaned down close to my face as if he were about to whisper.

"Because," he started to say as the door creaked  behind him, "I have the authority to call you whatever I wish." He straightened up and turned to greet that same black haired woman from before. "Now, kid, go enjoy some lunch and be back here no later than one. I have business that cannot go unnoticed and you must help me with it." He fled out the door with a wave of a hand.

It happened once again. Jellal was taken from me and I was left all alone. Normally I would be happy to see Jellal with good friend, but something about this lady seemed untrustworthy. 


I went into town for lunch. I couldn't help but think of the way Jellal's eyes 'lost their sparkle' whenever she entered the room. Although I didn't want to admit it, I hated her. My brother was different and Ultear was obviously to blame. Right?

I was so deep in thought, that I hadn't even noticed the familiar face until I ran into him.

"Oof! Hey, watch where you're goi- oh hi Kimeala," a kind voice said. My head was throbbing from its contact with the hard ground and my eyes were closed shut in an attempt to alleviate the pain. It wasn't until the pain calmed down a little did I figure out who it was that I had ran into.

"Oh, um, sorry, Hayato," it was the funny guy from the 'choosing' as I had decided to call it. "Out to lunch, too?"

"Yeah I am. You wanna eat with me?" he said as his face lit up. A flutter rose in my heart. This feeling once came to me before, but I couldn't place my finger on where. All I knew was that his icy blue eyes made my insides melt a little. 

I beamed a smile back. "I'd love to!"

We walked down the one of many streets in Era. Hayato suggested the diner I used to work at, but I explained to him that I never wanted to see that boss ever again. He laughed and dragged me inside anyways.

"Come on, Kimmie, don't you want to show off your new title?" he said as he pushed me into a booth and sat across from me. At the sound of a name that hadn't been spoken for more than 5 years, I froze up. Hayato noted this. "Are you alright?"

Blinking quickly, I awoke from my daze. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just...where did you hear that nickname?"

Hayato blushed slightly, most likely from embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. Do you not appreciate being called that?"

"No you can call me that, I just haven't heard that name for awhile. I only know thr-two other people who've ever called me that: Mr. Yajima and my best friend, Terra." A pang of guilt hit my conscious as I stuttered. I ignored it.

"I'm flattered," he said jokingly. 

The waiter walked up to our booth and took our order. I stifled a laugh as he recognized me as ex-employee. He signed his departure with a 'hrmp' and went to make our food. By now I only had a half hour to eat and was getting a bit antsy. I can't let Jellal, no matter how different he may seem, down.

Hayato, noticing my anxiety, decided to lighten the mood with a question. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong question. "You looked as if you knew the new Council Member. Do you?"

For a smart guy, he sure did ask a dumb question. "No, he just reminded me of someone," I lied. Another wave of pain hit my soul. 

"Really? Who?" 

I decided to tell him a bit about Jellal, leaving out his description and our childhood. Hayato was excited to hear of my journey to Era, so I told him of how I had sneaked on a ship and sailed my way here.

"Wow, you sailed here all by yourself?" he asked.

"No," I cracked a smile. "The captain was on the ship, too." 

He began to laugh heartily. His laugh sounded familiar too but the person of whom it sounded like had slipped my mind. Our waiter (a new person entirely. Apparently my ex-boss had all he could take of me) brought our food to the table. We gobbled it down as we giggled at each other's bad manners. As we finished our meal, Hayato insisted on footing the bill.

We made it back to the council just in the nick of time (but not without a bit of running). As we heaved in breaths, Hayato turned to face me as we stood outside of Jellal's room. "We should eat lunch more often." He said in between gasps of air. "But next time you can pay the bill." He winked as I displayed a fake disgusted look on my face. We both chuckled. "Alright, see you later." and with that, he was running in the opposite direction.

I smiled as I opened the door. Jellal was sitting in his chair and Ultear stood next to him, whispering. Upon my entrance, both stopped talking and glanced up at me. "You're late, dear," the sound of that new pet name sent chills up my spine. Ultear immediately took her leave. We were finally alone, Jellal and I. All my feelings swelled up inside me. I wanted to run into his arms and feel his warm like when we camped under the stars. I wanted to hear him say the story of our apple trees. Heck, I would've taken another bottle to the leg just for the chance to see my old brother again. But something told me that this man wasn't him. He may look and sound like Jellal, but he isn't Jellal. I held back the tears as I apologized. 

"I'm sorry, Master Siegrain," the name rolled off like poison to my tongue. "I guess time had slipped away from me."

"Now that's a good gir-" before he could give me another name besides my own, I interrupted him.

"What would you like help on, sir."

I couldn't help but feel joy as I noticed a bit of hurt in his hazel eyes as I called him different names, much like what he was doing to me.


Jellal had asked me to file more papers. Every once in a while, a flash of light would envelope the room followed by a crash of thunder. Jellal had given me a few curious looks at each sign of the storm, but I ignored him completely. The morning had been beautiful and full of sunshine and happiness. But by the afternoon, the clouds rolled in, filled to the brim with hatred. 

Yea another chapter up! I still feel guilty for my procrastination so I really want to update more often. So what do you think Kimmie felt guilty about? Hopefully you'll find out soon. I'm really excited about the next chapter. I might add a little- "Writer-chan don't give anything away!" Oops! Sorry guess you'll just have to wait and find out for yourselves.

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