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I awoke the next morning, my blanket halfway on the floor leaving only my leg covered. It took an effort to get out of the full size bed, surprisingly large for the job position I had. In the bathroom, I noticed the dark circles under my eyes and the tear stains on my cheeks. Around my hazel orbs, a red puffiness surrounded them. Once finished with my morning 'bathroom business', I walk to the closet and pull out a dark purple tank top and black shorts. After changing out of my pj's and into my new outfit, a long sleeveless white coat is draped over my clothing. Pinning my hair up in its usual pony tail and black ribbon, I glanced at the mirror. Sunlight struck the glass, blinding me only slightly. With my sight returning, my eyes decided I looked at least presentable. After lacing up my brown boots, I strode out the door of my room.

After all these years of constructing a real smile, once again my mask had to be worn. i passed by others workers, greeting them with good-mornings and grins. One of the workers was none other than Four Eyes. "Good morning, Lahar," I said cheerfully. Hopefully I was over-doing my 'happy act'. With five years of being forced to deal with one another, Lahar and I had finally became somewhat friends. That's not to say I don't mess with him anymore.

"Morning, Kimeala," he replied. I've told him multiple times to call me by nickname, but he refuses to. 'It's not formal' he would say. "You're oddly happy this morning."

Shoot! "I guess the sunshine has sunk into my soul," I grin.

 I was stopped just outside Jellal's door. Take a deep breath, Kimmie. He'll be proud of you someday. He just needs time. I just wish time would go faster. I rapped the hard wooden door. The words "Come in," slipped through the wall and I opened the door to see Jellal sitting at his desk.

"Please excuse us for one moment." He said to me before turning to his other guest: the black-haired lady. Or should I say Jellal's ghost since she's always seen with him. If they're dating, I don't approve. "Ultear, we'll discuss these matters later."

"Of course, Master Siegrain," Ultear said as she slipped past me. I noticed a strange glare in her eyes, but purposefully ignored it. The door shut behind me and then we were alone at last.

My expression was no longer of joy at finding my long lost brother or one of hope that he might actually treat me like his little sister again. No, I had no expression. I stared at him, a nothingness behind the hazel irises of my eyes. "What do you wish for me to do today, Master Siegrain." The name was poison on my tongue. It took all my strength to not gag.

His demeanor changed into one of kindness as he motioned at a chair. "Please take a seat, Kimeala."

I quickly sat down while trying my best to stay calm. I melted like chocolate left in the mid-summer's sun at my own name on his lips. Maybe there was hope after all.

"I know it's hard to treat me as if you have never seen me in your life. It's hard for me, too." Did he really just say that? "But believe me, I have to keep my true identity secret. No I can't tell you," he interrupted me before I even asked the question. "But please, do this for me. This won't be permanent, it'll just be..a while. Trust me, I have my reasons." Jellal looked at me with love in his eyes. It's been too long.

I was, however, skeptical. "But are the reasons good? Filled with compassion and no regrets? Are they worth these lies?" I questioned.

"I have no regrets on my decisions," he stood up from his chair and glanced out the window.

He seemed to be avoiding my face. And my questions. "What about the other questions, brother? You never answered whether or not your reasons were-"

"I do not wish to discuss that now!" I jumped at the raise in his quiet voice. "You are not to call me your brother," he had hushed his voice, but it was still laced with anger. "Now send these papers to the main office." A stack of papers sat at the edge of his desk. I grabbed them carefully with my shaking arms and made my way to the door. Upon turning the handle, Jellal said one last thing to me, his voice calming a bit. "And practice on controlling your magic. I hate falling asleep to thunderstorms."

The lie struck my heart with precision and force, but I swallowed it as I left him in peace. Outside the door stood none other than Ultear. The look on her face told me that she had been listening. "Excuse me," she said opening the door into Jellal's room. Just before she left my personal space, I whispered my feelings to her.

"I hate you."

She yelped at the touch of the metal doorknob, then glared daggers into the back of my skull. I grinned. So that's what happens when I'm angry.


Something tells me that she has to do with Jellal's change of heart. Why else would she follow him like a lost puppy? So many negative thoughts trailed in my mind, I hadn't even realized the person walking around the corner. "Oh I'm so sorry," I squealed as papers went flying. Great.

"No it's fine. It's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was go-Kimmie?" The sweet voice seemed familiar. Finally a name and a face registered in my brain.

"Hayato! Long time no see! And yet it feels like I had just ran into you yesterday." I emphasised the word 'ran' creating the right effect for my pun. We both laughed as we started scooping up the papers scattered on the floor. Once we had the majority of the papers picked up, I started adding some small talk. "You know, my head still hurts from your clumsiness."

"Ha ha, will you just get over that already? I already told you I was sorry." He handed me his pile.

"I know, I'm just giving you a hard time," I combined his pile with mine, completing the stack once again. "Consider it a compliment. It means we're friends."

I couldn't help but notice a blush rise to his cheeks, contrasting heavily with his bright blue eyes. "We'" He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Uh yeah. I thought so." I said. Why was he stammering?

"Oh! I guess I hadn't thought of that until now, even though I was thinking about you all yesterday evening." He muttered the last part, probably hoping I wouldn't hear him.

"You were thinking of me?" I couldn't let an opportunity to tease him like this pass up. The response I was hoping for came about. Hayato became flustered as his blush grew to new shades of red.

He waved his hands wildly, objecting. "Not like that! It's just I was wondering if you wanted to um... " He stopped.

"Yeah?" I baited.

He regained some of his earlier composure as he restated his question. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date? Maybe this weekend when we're off work?" He stared at his feet, shifting a bit.

That caught me completely off guard. Were people supposed to date so soon after meeting each other? Well, I guess it's just a date; it doesn't mean that we're a thing, right? "Uh, sure. Sounds like fun!"

He quickly looked up at my eyes with happiness gleaming in them. "Really?" I nodded. "Okay, I'll meet you at your apartment, say at 7 tomorrow night?"

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"Great! See you then!" With that, he was gone. A smile was plastered to my face and I couldn't peel it off. That is until I remembered I was supposed to be delivering these papers to the main office. I snapped out of my thoughts and began to run.


I layed in my bed, looking around my apartment for something to occupy my train of thought. But whenever I thought I had found something of interest, the thought train derailed. In one day, I had felt extreme hatred and warmth. As much as I hated Ultear and Jellal's secrets, a warm feeling sunk into my heart when I thought of Hayato and our date tomorrow. I don't truly understand it, but this feeling seemed familiar. I know what I'm feeling, but it's a bit foreign. It's been a long time since I've felt it, but...

The rose in the vase beside my bed started to creep into the moonlight that was peeking through the opened curtains.

But I've always liked the feeling of love.

I'm still on my hiatus, but I was able to sneak in this sweet chapter for you guys. Snow days are the best! Anyways, I hope you all like it and I start writing my next chapters so you won't have to wait too long when my break is done. Bye!

p.s. I wrote this chapter pretty quickly, so if you find any grammar mistakes, please tell me.  

For the Love of a BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now