Teenage Kicks (Camren)

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Chapter 2.

"C'mon Camz." I said, helping her up. I saw her sister falling asleep slowly. "Do you want me to hold her?" I asked. She nodded and handed the now sleeping girl to me.

"Leslie, be home by 8, mom's making dinner." I said. When I put the girls in the car, I got their bags and put it in the trunk.

"Lo, please don't leave me." She teared up. I felt so bad for her. "I'm not babe." I kissed her again, and started the car.

On the way back, she explained to me how her dad killed her mom. She said that every since she came out, her dad has been cold and mean to her, and her family. He would beat her, and she would take extra beatings for her sister, she even told me that one day, he had rapped her. The bastard took her innocence away. I couldn't say that I know what it's like, because I don't, we live to separate lives. All I could do now, is comfort her and let her now someone's here to take care of her.

She told me how it was to get bullied, that she didn't have any friends. She said that she would cut, and people would think she was a freak, she said that she tried to kill herself many times. I don't know why people have to be mean to her, she's perfect to me. She's like the most flawless human being ever, she just can't see it herself, because the people that have told her otherwise. The things I would do to go back and find the people who bullied her.

"Are we here?" She asked, looking around. I smiled and said, "yep." Then I got her sister out the back seat. Camila got out and walked to me.

"What's her name?" I asked Camia. "Sofi." She said, smiling at the small girl. I smiled too and handed her to Camila so I can get there bags.

"I'm scared." She said. I held her hand, and she gripped on it. "There's no need, they'll love you." She gripped it again and nodded.

I walked in the house, and it smelled like a Cuban restaurant. My mom was in the kitchen dancing to the music and cooking.

"Mami." I said getting her attention. She turned around and smiled. "Hey Mija." She said. She washed her hands and kissed my forehead. Camila gripped my hand.

"Mami, where's Papi, I gotta talk to you guys." I said. She knew it was serious. "He's outside bar-b-quing." She said pointing to the door. Before I walked out, I had to introduce Camila and Sofi to my mom.

"Mom, this is Camila and her little sister Sofi." I said. I saw that Sofi was now awake. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Jauregui." Camila smiled. "No need for all that 'Mrs. Jauregui stuff', call me Clara." My mom smiled back. "Mila, i'm hungry." Sofi said quietly. Just enough for me to hear.

I got some cookies and a juice pouch out for them. "Yes!" Sofi smiled and immediately ate a cookie. I laughed and remembered that I had to get my dad.

"Camz, you can sit down with my mom." I said, she smiled and sat. I walked out side and my dad was sitting and talking with my uncle John.

"Papi, I need you in the kitchen real quick." I said. He got up and followed me. When I got my parents to sit, I sat too.

"Okay so, Camila needs a place to stay. She just got out of a really bad situation with her dad. He got arrested, and her mom passed away." I said. I looked at Camila, and she was looking at the table with Sofi on her lap.

"Okay Mija, you don't need to explain any longer , she can stay here." My dad said. They looked worried, because of this situation. I gave them a sad smile and got their bags.

"C'mon, lets go to my room." I said to the girls. I brought their bags upstairs, and they followed me. When we got up, Camila sat Sofi on my bed.

"Thank you Lo." Camila said hugging me. I hugged back and said, "Anything babe."

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked. Sofi nodded eagerly. Camila and I laughed. When I got done helping them unpack, we went downstairs.

"Hey Camila." Izzy said. When did they get here? Camila waved and followed me to the couch.

"Yo, Cabello's here." Leslie said. I rolled my eyes.

Camila's POV.

I think staying with Lauren is a really good thing right now, I need someone to hold me and take care of me. I know she'll make me forget about everything that's happened.

"Dinner's ready!" Clara called out. I was starving. I'm glad that they opened there house for me. Sofi and I really needed somewhere to stay, and we have no other relatives here.

When we all got seated, we started to eat. I was still nervous though, i'm staying at Lauren's house, the girl that I might be in love with, this is nerve recking.

After dinner, I helped Clara with the dishes.

"I just wanna say thanks for allowing me to stay here." I told her. "No need to thank me Mila, any friend of Lauren's, is also my friend. And you're a very respectful girl, so i'm proud to have you here." She told me. I smiled and she hugged me, of course I hugged back.

"Now you girls go get ready for bed, you have school tomorrow." She said. I went to the living room and found Lauren and Sofi laughing at Izzy and Leslie who were play fighting.

I smiled and walked to Lauren, she pulled me down to sit on her lap. I like how she did that.

"Mila's got a girlfriend." Sofi teased. I laughed and hid my face in Lauren's neck. "Mila's got a girlfriend." Leslie and Izzy repeated. "Shut up!" I said throwing a pillow to them.

"C'mon, we have to get ready for bed." Lauren said. I stood up and helped her up. Sofi followed us to the room.

"You guys can use the shower first." She told us. I went to pick out sleeping clothes for Sofi and I. When we got out the shower, Beatrice and Cece were in the room.

"Oh my god, Camila are you okay?" Beatrice asked. "Yea, your house was on the news. That's how we heard. They said something about Cabello's, we figured it was you." Cece said.

"Yea, i'm alright." She said. They hugged me, and I hugged back. "Okay, we just came to check on you." Beatrice said. "Okay. Thanks though." I said. They smiled and walked out the door.

"They're really nice." I said. "I know, all of the are." Lauren said. "Hey, i'm gonna go get in the shower. Here's the remote, you guys can lay down." She said, pointing to the bed. I gave her a quick peck before she walked out the room.

She's got a king size bed, real big. I pulled Sofi on the bed with me. "Mila, is this our home now?" She asked me quietly. "Hopefully." I said to her while playing with her hair. "Good. I really like it here, they're nice. I like Izzy and Leslie because they're funny. I like Clara and Mike because they are nice, and they don't fight. And I like Lauren, because you love her." She's so smart for a 4 year old.

"Same here." I said. "Mila, do you miss Mommy?" I know she's crying, I can hear it in her voice. "Very much baby girl." I said. She buried her face in my neck. Her breathing went slower because she was falling asleep.

"Hey, she's sleeping?" Lauren asked. I nodded. Lauren then joined me in the bed. She got behind me and I turned so I was facing her.

"Lo, what are we?" I asked her. "I really like you Camila. I mean like, i've never felt this way before. I wanna be with you, I want you to be my girlfriend." Oh my god, no one has ever said that to me!

"Gladly." She kissed me, and I kissed back. It was filled with passion. I knew she meant what she said. Our kiss was broken when we heard Sofi sigh loudly and moved around. I smiled at Lauren and gave her one last peck.

"Shit. Who's gonna take Sofi to preschool tomorrow?" I asked. "My mom can do it, she doesn't work." Lauren said. "Thank god for your mom." I said.

"Lets go to bed, we have school tomorrow baby." She said. I turned around so she was spooning me from behind and I was facing Sofi who hung onto my shirt.

"Goodnight Lo." I said.

"Nigh Camz." She responded. After that, I knew it was safe to fall asleep. I knew I wasn't going to have nightmares anymore, because she's here to protect me.

Teenage Kicks. (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now