Teenage Kicks. (Camren)

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Lauren's POV.

It's been two days since Camila left. Two days of my life,where I've felt like I'm incomplete. It's not the same waking up. I'm not waking up to the beautiful girl with bedhead next to me. Except, I'm waking up to the stupid sun in my face. I haven't went to school these last two days. I haven't been out of bed, or eating.

"Lolo?" I heard Sofi say quietly. She's been sleeping with Leslie and Izzy. "Yes babygirl?" I said back. She ran to my bed and jumped into my arms. "I'm sorry ", I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She said frantically. "What? Why?" I asked. "Because we haven't found Kaki yet, and you're so sad. I don't like seeing you sad." She rambled . "Don't be sorry baby. I'm gonna be fine." I said. "But the real question is, how are you doing?" I asked her. "I don't know how to describe it." She said with her head down.

I know she's as confused as I am. "That's okay." I said. She nodded, kissed me on the cheek, and left out my room. I wish she will just come home already.

I still havent figured out why she left. I got my phone out and text her. 'C'mon Camz, please come home. Whatever I did, I'm sorry. Just please come home. I wanna know you're alive and breathing.' It read.

Camila's POV.

Keaton read me the text. "You should've stayed home little one." He smirked. He had me tied up to a chair with tape over my mouth. I would say I was terrified but I really feel stupid. I should've stayed home. "Lets make a deal Cabello." He started.

Lauren's POV.

"C'mon Laur." Leslie was trying to convince me to call her again. "Forget it. She's not gonna answer." I told her. She sighed and decided to take my phone. "Hey! Give that back!" I yelled. She shook her head 'no' and dialed a number. Then she put the phone on speaker. "Hello?" The voice answered. My eyes got wide. Could it really be her?

I took the phone from Leslie. "Camz!?" I exclaimed. "Hi Lo." She said. She sounded weak. "Camz. Where are you? Why did you leave? Are you okay? I'm coming to get you." I hit her with tons of questions. "Lauren. I'm okay, calm down. Just meet me by that abandoned building, the one by the school." She said. Why would she be there? "Are you in trouble Camz?" I asked. "No Lauren. Just meet me there." Then the call ended.

I was really confused. "Well c'mon Lauren, lets go!" Izzy exclaimed. I got up and headed to the building.

Camila's POV.

"Okay. Now what are you going to do?" I asked. Keaton smirked and picked up a bat. "What are you doing with that bat?" I asked. Maybe I'm terrified now. "You talk too much." He said. Just then someone came up the stairs. I thought it was Lauren, but it was someone I would've never thought I'd seen again. "Hey Camila." He said my name with so much hate. Tears streamed down my face and started to panic. How did he get out?! I screamed for my life, but next thing I seen was black.

Lauren's POV.

"Why the hell would she want to meet at that building. Nobody ever goes there anymore." Leslie asked. "I don't know. But she sounded like she was in trouble." I said. I parked in the alley behind the building. The sun was setting so it was getting dark. I heard a scream, then it suddenly stopped. "Lauren was that..." "Camila" I said above a whispered. We hurried and excited the alley. But we stopped walking when we saw a familiar car. "Keaton." I said. I got a text and it read 'Lo are you still coming?' I knew that wasn't Camz. 'Yea. Meet me outside.' I responded. Then the reply came in almost instantly, 'you have to come inside. Hurry it's dark in here'.

"Leslie get the bats." I told my sister. She ran back with three metal bats. "We have to go through the front quietly though." I said. They nodded and we walked to the door. I opened the door and made sure to didn't squeak. We entered. This building has about three floors and they have to be on the top floor. We walked up the stairs. On our last step, I heard voices. "What's the plan?" I heard Keaton say. "We take her and bury her somewhere no one can find her." Said another unfamiliar voice. I scrunched my eyebrows together.

Camila's POV.

After my blackout I stayed quiet with my head down, and pretended that I was still passed out. I heard everything they said, and it took a lot of power not to scream for my life. We heard a footstep. I didn't look up because they'll find out that I'm awake. "Who's there!?" My dad yelled. "Laurennnn." Keaton called out. Is she really here? I lifted my head slowly, but I only put it back down when they turned around. God, they didn't catch me. I heard the door squeak open a little.

Lauren's POV.

"Why don't we just call the police?" Leslie whispered? "Because I want to be the one to protect her. And we don't have the time. They could take her any second." I whispered back. "Lauren, you can get in trouble for this." Leslie said. I ignored her and watched what was happening. "C'mon, we'll lift her up." The unfamiliar said. I got up and opened the door. Leslie stayed outside, just in case. "Well well, hi Jauregui ." Keaton said. "Oh, you're the girl that my daughter's dating." Daughter?

"Oh, so you're the bastard that treated my girlfriend like she was nothing." I spit out. He growled at me. "Ouch, hit a spot?" I said asked. He jumped at me, but I jumped back, into Camila. "Lo?" She picked up her head. Camila. "We'll get out of here Camz." I told her. "Lauren! Watch out!" She exclaimed. I looked back and Keaton was about to swing a bat, but Leslie quickly stepped in and whacked him in the back of his, and he passed out.

Camila's dad looked at us in anger. I stepped away from Camila so he can follow me. He did so. "C'mon. You have the balls to touch your daughter, swing on me." I told him. He picked up the bat and swung, but I dodged it. I picked up my bat and hit him. And he was out. I ran to Camila and untied her.

"Call the cops!" I told Izzy. She grabbed out her phone and dialed. Once Camila was untied I hugged her, very tightly. "Camz! Are you okay? Why the hell did you run away? You scared the shit out of me! Don't ever do that again!" I started hitting her with questions. She started tearing up. I sighed and said, "Camz, c'mon don't cry..." Then she started sobbing. I pulled her into a hug by she kept crying. "Lolo, pleas-s-e don't-t be mad at-t me." She hiccuped. "I'm not mad Camila. I was just worried." I whispered. She nodded and stopped crying.

"I called them. They said they'll be here in a minute." Izzy said. "I called Mom, and she said she'll be here." Leslie said.

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