Chapter one

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I really hope this ends up being decent. So,  here goes nothing!

ASLO! I don't really know all the bands who are and aren't incorporated with RR, so if one is incorrect, please just go with it(:


Marilyn's P.O.V.

     I've grown up around the rock scene, you see, my dad was always a huge metal head. I've been listening to bands like Pantera, Slipknot, Korn, etc. for as long as I can remember; when every other little girl was obsessing over the new High School Musical movie, I was fully invested with the new Emarosa video. Needless to say, I wasn't like all the other girls, and never had any real close girl friends because of this. I never really minded this, however, as I was perfectly happy. I got to meet band guys and got to take pictures with them, hell, when I was 17, I was in a Papa Roach video.

     It had always been my dad and me, my mother walked out; her reason? She has "issues" and apparently felt unfit to be a mother. I don't think she ever stopped to think about how this would effect me, I never had a mother to braid my hair, or teach me how to do makeup, or help me pick out a prom dress. But I always had my dads girlfriend, Clarissa, for that, and she did a pretty great job at it. Sure it wasn't the same, but that's what I had, and I loved her for it. She was the closest thing to a mother I had and I don't think she realizes just how thankful I am that she was there for me. She was great from the start; she got it that I came first in my dads eyes, she let us have our alone time and respected me and my relationship with my father.

     When I was old enough (sixteen) my father had gotten me an internship at Rise Records, I was the person the band got to give orders and boss around. My dad always called me the 'Band Bitch',  which is basically what I was, I had to do whatever they asked of me. Needless to say, I found out real quick who the assholes were, the would bark orders at me, constantly check me out, and always called me "Sweetheart" in a smartass tone. Not all of them were this way, though, some of them were decent human beings; they asked me to do things and added a please, they'd always say thank you, and they'd ask my name instead of just calling me "Babe" or "Sweetheart". Regardless, however, of the behavior of the members, I always got pictures with them, just to be able to say "Hey, I met that band".

     My parents were so into rock that my middle name, Joann, came from Joann Jett. My dad tells me that my mother named me, originally, after Marilyn Monroe, But I told him I'd rather think of it like being named after Marilyn Manson. I don't really like to think about my mother, I sure as hell don't want to be anything like her; hypocritical, dishonest, and sneaky. I'm trying the hardest to be as different from her as I can. I don't know much about her, seeing as she left when I was only two, but I've seen pictures.

     But I'm perfectly happy with my dad and Clarissa, we have a nice little family we all get along, we're a very chill, go-with-the-flow type of family. We all supported each other, and the decisions we make. I was told by them since I was a child to express myself freely. When I was fourteen, my dad and Clarissa took me to Hot Topic to get gauges for me. Clarissa was a tattoo artist so she know how to handle stuff like this, and when we went back home she helped me put them in; she helped me with every size after that until I got to where I was happy with the size, 1/2. A few weeks ago on my eighteenth birthday, Clarissa gave me my first tattoo, it's on my right ribcage and it's the full verse from My Understandings by Of Mice & Men. They were my favorite band. Needless to say, I think they saved me; not like they do with most people, I never self-harmed, I never felt the need to, I didn't want to feel weak, I wanted to feel strong. But they carried me through, they helped me see that it's okay not to be like everyone else, that I'm my own person and that's all I should have to be... me.

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