Chapter 6

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Jennifer's P.O.V.

The car ride so far has been amazing, I WISH! Its been awkwardly silent the entire time! I guess since I haven't been on a real date in a while I'm just really nervous. Oh gosh, he just looked at me with the most dreamy smile and I just stared at him! I must look like such a dork. I wonder whats going through his mind right now.

Louis's P.O.V.

This is extremely awkward. She hasn't said a word to me since we got in the car. She's just playing with her hands and not even looking at me. You should've seen the way she looked at me when I gave her the most dumbest smile, expressionless. I'm probably just her charity case. She didn't want to be mean and say no to me, yet that day when I looked at her I felt something. I need to say something.

Jennifer's P.O.V.

"So, what do you like?" stuttered out a nervous Louis

"Um, dogs, I guess." What was he talking about?

"Okay, so what if I like cats way better than dogs? And I mean cats, not kittens." he questions.

I thought about it for a while. "I'd call you an old lady." We both let out a laugh.

"Then it's good that I don't like cats." he said giving a smile. I swear if he keeps doing that I'm gonna die.

"So when do we get to the restaurant?" I asked. I was beginning to get a bit hungry. We had been on the rode for a while due to all the traffic.

"Actually we're here." he said while parking in front of a nice little restaurant.

Once we walked in I got this warm, homly feeling. We got seated quickly which I was glad about. Once seated, Louis and I continued our conversation on dogs, and thats when I saw the flash. I turned my head in its direction to see a few paparazzi "hiding" behind their magazines. Ugh, did this have to happen every time I go out? "Sorry if its disturbing you. I hate it when this happens." I said trying to act like it was no big deal even though inside I was mentally killing them one by one for possibly destroying this date.

"No, its okay. The paps have been around me and the boys lately too." he said so calmly not looking at the paps or taking his eyes off me. That's so sweet. Cue the awwws in my head.

"Thats right, One Direction. I saw your video for What Makes You Beautiful this morning. It was pretty good."

"Thanks! It was a blast making the video." he said. He seemed to light up when I brang up the boys.

"Where did you guys make the video?"

"We made it at a beach in Malibu, California." Wow! thats great for a first video shoot.

"Actually I got pulled over while filming the driving part!" "Really!" I was starting to laugh.

"Yah, I drove too slow." he said sheepishly.

"Well if it helps I got pulled over once here in the UK. I was driving on the wrong lane," by this point we were both laughing, "My manager had to yell at me to move over to the other lane!"

We were both bursting with laughter the entire time. The meal was good and he was so nice and sweet. He wasn't pushy or arrogant. He was funny, and made me laugh the entire time. There were no more awkward silences. I felt as if we really connected. Wow! I haven't said that about a guy in a long time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So was that any good? I know its been a LONG while since I've updated, but please like or comment if u read this or if u have any opinions. AND if u do want to be my editor pls comment on here, because for some reason I can't answer my inbox. Again thnx for reading.

Love, Jennyxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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