Chapter 5

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Louis P.O.V.

I can't believe that in exactly one hour I will be on a date with Jennifer. I decided to put on my The Killers shirt with blue jeans and a grey beanie.

"Wow Louis! Where are you going? On a date perhaps?" said Niall as he walked by. Soon enough all the boys were around me giving their oohs and ahs. "Next time you don't have to put on the entire bottle of cologne." joked Harry while holding his nose and fanning the air. I quickly sniffed my under arms to check if he was right. "I was just kidding mate. So, why all dressed up?" asked Harry. The boys all stared at me questioning. "Um, well, I'm going out" I said. I didn't want the boys knowing about my date with Jennifer. They'd just tease me about it. What if it went bad, then what would I tell them?

"I think we're smart enough to notice when our best friend is going out on a date. So who's the lucky lady?" questioned Zayn. They all stared at me wide-eyed. I cracked under the pressure. "It's Jennifer okay, I'm taking her out to lunch."

Almost automatically there were cheers and oohs and jumping coming from the four boys in front of me. "I can't believe your going on a date with the Jennifer Gonzales!" said Niall not able to maintain his excitement. "So, where are you taking her?" said the boys in unison. "I'm taking her to the Albion. I think she'll like it." everyone seemed pleased except Niall who asked why not Nandos.

After talking my plans over with the boys I checked my watch. It was 12:40. I decided to go pick up Jennifer since I knew the traffic would slow me down a bit. She had texted me the address of the hotel she was staying at yesterday.

"Boys I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go pick up Jennifer." I quickly said my goodbyes to the boys and walked out the door to my car.

Jennifer's P.O.V.

"Selena I still can't believe that you searched him up!" I said while skyping with my best friend Selena Gomez.

I had just told her about Louis and the boys and she was already searching him up like if he was some sort of molester or something. "Jenny, you have to be safe. But I will give you props. He does look pretty cute, not my type though." "Oh yes, your type is Canadian. Well at least Louis has a killer British accent." I responded. I did love his accent. "What ever Jennifer! He does seem like your type. He's funny, nice smile, nice hair, dreamy eyes. It will only be a matter of type before you two are going out." Selena stated while looking at picks of the boys on the internet. Uh, her too.

"Sel, its just one date to lunch, and you already have us as an item. I mean sure he's cute, funny, and nice, but I only met him what, 3 days ago. I don't even know anything else about him besides that he's 19, British, and is in a boy-band named One Direction formed on The X Factor."

"Look, Jennifer, don't ruin this date with a guy that seems to be okay. Sure you don't know much about him, but that's what today is for. You never know, what if this guy is your sole mate?" she said with all seriousness.

"Okay, okay. I'll behave my best, mom!" I said while stretching out the mom part.

"Now, let me see the outfit you're wearing for this date." I got off of my chair and did a little twirl. I was wearing blue jean short shorts, a British flag top, cream wedges, and my hair was windswept. I had on light pink lipstick and a tiny bit of mascara.

"Nice top, showing your British pride." Selena laughed. "Shut up, I like it. It puts the outfit together. Besides last time I saw him I didn't look the best, so this is to make up for that." I responded.

We continued discussing this for a while until I checked the time. 12:55 "Selena I better go. Louis should be here in while." "Call me afterwards and we'll talk about it okay." "Sure bye!" I said waving at the iPad's screen.

I ran to the bathroom to check and see if I looked okay. Then, the bell rang and there was a nock at my door. After one last peek in the mirror a grabbed my phone and some money and stuffed them into my pocket.

as I opened the door I was greeted by a smiling Louis. "Are you ready love?" he asked. My faced turned a bright red. No one had ever called me love before, and with that accent I felt as if I were about to melt.

"Yah, I'm ready." I walked out and made sure to lock the door behind me. As we walked to his car I looked done to see his hand almost twitching as if he couldn't decide whether to hold my hand or not. At the end he decided not to, disappointing me a bit.

As we got into the car and buckled up, I couldn't help but look at him. He looked amazing, gorgeous, just great. His hair was swept to the side, his arms were nice, and the light hit him perfectly. I can't wait 'til we get there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, there it is. I'm so sorry it took me like ages to update. I know that almost no one reads this, but if you do, Thank You, Only Youuuuuuuuu! (Sorry I'm listening to Gotta Be You & Harry's solo came up and I just had to :) I'll try to make the next update quicker. Pls Comment your opinion on this chapter, it would mean so much!

~Love, Jenny~

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