1. The Betrayed Runaway

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Yo so credit to pandy_andy4321 for helping me come up with ideas.


"Octavia, behave. We have guests coming. How do you expect to be a good queen when you can't even greet guests correctly?" My mother looked at me disapprovingly, gesturing to the door as we waited for the royals to come. Ironic isn't it? The royal pain in my ass literally has the last name Royal.

"She's a brat anyway. What does it matter if I act all proper" I scoffed, Rebecca Royal, strutted through the gates of the Palace with a smug look on her face, as if she owned the palace.

"My Queen, nice to see you again" Rebecca curtsied and my mother smiled proudly.

"Enchanting to be in your presence, King Jeremy" she said properly as she curtsied again to my father.

Rebecca turned me, and since the adults were facing the other way, she scowled at me.

"Your highness" she scoffed with a thick French accent and walked over to her maid, who took the bag that was thrown at her. I groaned and walked a little behind the others. It grossed me out to watch my brother and Rebecca look at each other as if they were meant to be together. Well, they both are horrible.

Instead of forcing my company on the royals, I walked next to Rebecca's maid, who seemed to be struggling under the weight of their luggage.

"Here let me help you" I said quietly and got a hold of a few bags on top.

"Oh no your highness. I've got it" she said as she almost tripped.

"No really, I want to help" I said and she looked down, smiling.

"Thank you, your highness"

"You can call me Octavia" She nodded and we walked to the guest's rooms.

"So what's your name" I asked Rebecca's maid as I laid down on my own bed.

"Mary" she said.

I pulled myself back into sitting position "that's my moms name. It's very beautiful"

"Thank you" she smiled happily. I looked at her clearly and realized that she wasn't much younger than I was. Maybe 14 or so.

"It's horrible that they force children to work" I said distastefully.

"Well, my parents are in great debt, so I'm working to try and pay it off. If I don't pay it off soon, they might take my sister and put her to work too" I looked up in surprise.

"How old is your sister?" I asked

"She's only 10" Mary said grimly. I gasped, disgusted that my parents even let something like this go on.

"That is complete...bullshit!"I said, finally letting my façade disappear.

"Excuse my language Mary, but really, that's a terrible thing" I said, annoyed. Mary smiled.

"It's alright. I'll be fine" she said.

"MARY WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard Rebecca scream as Mary jumped.

"I've got to go" she turned to me "thank you for being so kind" I nodded and she ran down the hall and around the corner towards Rebecca's room.

"So when do you think you're going to do the wedding?" My mother asked, eyeing me as I scoffed.

"Probably some time in November" Rebecca said. November? That was only four months away.

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