Having a crush on a close friend can be a cruel thing. When the crush is coming for both ends, it is ten times worse.
That is Katerina Thomas and Noah Morrison's struggle.
The emotional connection is there, and so is the physical attraction, but is...
"Attention students. When we get to the hotel for the night, I would like for you to get your things packed because we are leaving tomorrow morning at 8:00am. But, that can wait until you are given up to three hours in the pool and an hour in the youths room," Mr. Kacy states as we pull off from the capital building. The last two days have been filled with walking around seeing things based around Abraham Lincoln and historical portion of our capital.
I sit back in my seat, massive smile on my face. I love swimming. Jackson calls me a water baby. My entire family does actually. I tried to play in the baptismal font water when I was baptized at seven months. "Hey, KitKat. You going to the pool?" Jackson say as he makes it to his seat. I roll my eyes, "No du. You know I love the water." "Even though you almost drowned when you were seven?" Noah asks as he sits across from me. "It barely phased me when it happened. I went swimming the next day." Apparently Mr.Kacy heard the conversation we were having, "How did that happen?" "Well seeing as I'm very short and always have been, I need a pool floaty until I was eight. Well, Noah and Jackson were playing water basketball and Jackson dunked the ball. I cheered, putting my arms straight up. I the slipped out of the floaty and commenced to drown. My mom saw me slip and got me," I recite the memory that Jackson loves to bring up any time water and I meet in anything besides a glass. "Well, that is quite the experience. You said you went swimming the next day?" I nod, "I didn't do afraid back then, and I loved swimming, much like I do now." He nods giving us a goodbye and going to his own seat.
The ride was filled with the same antics of yesterday and earlier today, laughing, yelling, arguing, quite, repeat. As we pull up to the hotel Mr.Kacy announces, "Dinner from the preordered room service should be in your rooms. You will have an hour and a half or so before it is pool time. I repeat, Pool time starts at 7:00pm! You're free to go." With that, we filed out of the bus in a rush. The girls and I rushed to our room and ate. Kenna got a massive chicken Cesar salad, Hannah and Gabby got angel hair pasta, and I got cream of chicken and rice soup. When we finished we still had half an hour so we changed into our swim suits.
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We went shopping together and decided to get the same type of bikini, just different colors and designs. Kenna went with black and white stripes, I went with coral pink, Hannah went all black, and Gabby went multi-colored. We pull our towels with our names sewed on them, courtesy of Hannah's grandma, out. We pull together our room so packing will be done relatively quickly, when we hear a loud ping, pointing out that I got a text.
Noah🔫😊: pool time in three minutes. Me: we've been ready for twenty minutes. Just cleaning up. Noah🔫😊: cool...so what are you wearing
Woah...the fuck? I mean Noah's an ass at times but he is never that forward.
Me:...? Noah🔫😊: sorry Darren took my phone. Seriously tho pool time like now. I'm at your door.