Having a crush on a close friend can be a cruel thing. When the crush is coming for both ends, it is ten times worse.
That is Katerina Thomas and Noah Morrison's struggle.
The emotional connection is there, and so is the physical attraction, but is...
Your beloved Kat is back. Guess it's about time I started writing again. Now we're about to have a big time jump. FOUR YEARS! Yep we are skipping to the beginning of senior year. We're skipping so much time because after high school started, our predictions were mostly correct. We both ended up relatively popular at our respective schools. Noah was a star basketball and baseball player and I became my class representative three years in a row and eventually student body president. I lost freshman year's election. We saw each other every now and then at parties, but neither of us were single, so we tended to avoid each other. Even then we had the thought in the back of our mind that we acted more like a couple than friends. Well enough chitchat on to your chapter.
August 29
It was the last day of freshman orientation and I had successfully taught my three freshman how to get to their classes, open their lockers, and set them up so they had room for their coat when winter comes. I had two boys and one girl. Elana is sweet and shy, but David and Will got her talking. Apparently they started feeding the children something new because all of them were taller than me, and I'm 5ft 6'. I'm not that short! But Elana is about two inches taller, David and Will are about six or seven inches taller. Not fair! I mean somehow Jackson ended up 6ft 4' and his mom is shorter than mine. Whatever. I give them hugs and make sure I have my locker the way I want it for tomorrow. I started to move things around. My binder and file folder at the bottom, and all my novels for English on the top and only shelf. All my textbooks are on my iPad. At Beacon Academy (A/N: for all my RWBY fans), freshman orientation is four days, Monday through Thursday. This gives the senior leaders time to get them aquatinted with the school and help the set up their iPads.
I close my locker when I see Zack, my ex as of four months ago.
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He got this strange notion in his head that he needed to go into senior year single and dumped me a month before junior year ended, less than two weeks before my birthday! Ever since then he has bounced around from girl to girl. This behavior made me feel better about not giving up my virginity to him; at least I know I don't have anything. "Kat, can we talk...about us?" he asks stoping next to me, blocking my exit. "There isn't an 'us' and there hasn't been for a few months now," I snap. I've cried over this dumbass way too much to try to deal with him now. He uses his finger to force me to look at him, and I slap his hand away, "Talk all you want but don't fucking touch me." He sighs, looking me in the eyes with the crystal blue puppy dog eyes that used to work on me, "I'm serious. I want there to be an us again. I know your feelings for me aren't just gone, we were dating for almost a year. Unless you found someone you think can replace me. " I roll my eyes, "Your right, they aren't just gone. I cried them away for about two months before I finally got over you. And that year we were together, I consider it the biggest waste of my time, second being crying over you. And no, I'm still single, but I'm pretty sure if did date someone he would be one hell of a lot better than you." God I sound like a bitch, but I can't count how many he said he loved me. When someone says something enough times, you believe them. So having someone you believed loved you abandon you for some petty reason tends to make you bitchy. "Kat come on. I love--" "Don't you dare finish that sentence. If you did, the past four months wouldn't have happened." I check his shoulder as I walk away and he grabs my arm, "That is something you won't do." "Let me fucking go Zack," I speak through gritted teeth as I notice the attention we've attracted. "No, we are finishing this conversation," he states to the crowd, attention whore. His grip tightens to the point where it is actually slightly painful. I attempt and fail to get my arm out of his grip so I go for a different tactic. I grab his 'family jewels' and squeeze hard. He groans in pain but doesn't let go. His voice is slightly higher pitch as he says, "Let the fuck go Kat!" "You first," I get in his face and let my arm pull a little. "Fuck! Fine!" and he let's go, and I follow suit. He leans against the lockers holding his junk, whimpering and groaning. I dust my hands off as if I'd just used a piece of chalk, "Try that shit again and you won't have a dick to fuck every hoe in a five mile radius with." 'Oohs' and 'Aahs' erupt from the crowd around us as I storm off. Sometimes crazy shit is the only way to deal with assholes like him. Usually my crazy sticks to words but I've had it.