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    ESTRELLA FOLLOWED THE group as they walked towards the camps. Estrella smiled up at the people who ran around in excitement. "We are going to have so much fun." Estrella said, smirking at Fred and George while putting an arm around each one. Estrella smirked when he saw an older kid pick up at a younger one. She lift up her wand, and murmured a small spell that McGonagall taught her once. The bullies' anglet tied together and he fell to the mud.

"How did you do that?" Fred asked Estrella.

"Yeah, Ella. Tell us." George replied.

The brunette smirked at them. "A small spell. The boy deserved it." Estrella told the two of them.

As they walked further into the camp, Amos and Arthur stopped. "Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match." Amos told Arthur, before nodding towards the children.

Cendric waved at Ginny and Hermione, and approached Estrella. "It was nice you did for that kid. How you tied up the bullies shoes. Nice spell. I think we will get along just great." Cedric told Estrella. Estrella nodded at him. "See you later, Ella." Cedric told her, before walking off.

"You are giving him a hard time Ella." The twins told her. Estrella just shrugged at them.

"I don't trust him." Estrella told the two before continue to follow Arthur Weasley. She did not noticed Harry's eyes on her, but Ron did.

"Blimey Harry, stop staring at her." Ron told his best friend, nudging him with his elbow. Harry took his eyes away from Estrella and towards Ron.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Harry told him, looking at how the twins and Estrella joked around.

"You bloody know Harry. I'm not blind, and neither is half of this world. You fancy Estrella." Ron told him, nudging him again.

"I do not." Harry denied, rolling his eyes at him.

"You do! You fancy Ella! You wouldn't shut up about her on the letters." Ron told him, smirking at him. "Ohh, Harry is in love." Ron teased him.

"Harry is what?" Hermione asked the red head, catching up the the two boys.

"In love with Estrella. He fancies her, Mione." Ron told Hermione. Hermione shared a smile with Ron.

"Oh, that I did saw coming. I saw the jealous look you gave Cedric when he talked to her." Hermione told Harry, whose cheeks just redden.

Harry scoffed at her. "Oh, really? How could you know if you were too busy staring at Cedric yourself." Harry told Hermione.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him. "Well, why don't you just approach Ella and tell her. She likes it when guys tell her if they fancy her. This comes from somebody who witnessed her saying this." Hermione told him.

"I don't even know if I fancy her." Harry told the two of them. He sighed before slowing down the pace. "How has she been doing? You know after..." Harry started, but could not find the right words to finish.

"I honestly don't know. The ones who she talks more about those things is Fred and George. I know a little bit. What I know for sure is that the death hit her hard. She has not been able to sleep well." Ron told Harry.

"She misses her parents, and Dawn of course. She adored the family owl." Hermione added. "It's...scary you know. What might have happened if Dawn haven't put himself in front of her? Or she had been kinnaped, or worst: killed." Hermione said, looking sadly at Estrella.

"Let's just stop talking about that." Ron said, not wanting to hear anymore about Estrella's accident. He did not want to think anymore of Estrella's death.

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