Clothes and Mobs

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**I'm terrible at describing clothes, so the media is sort of what Sang is wearing. Except she's wearing the boots, and knee-highs, and...well, you'll see. Maybe. Thanks for still reading. #SaveKota**

Chapter 11: Clothes and Mobs

Upon awakening, I realize two things. I feel disgusting, and someone has an appendage digging into my hip. Wait, make that three things. I don't know where I am.

Crawling out from between Victor and North, I make my way on silent feet to the door that is left cracked open. I can make out a hallway, so I slide out into, it in search of a bathroom. I find one with the light left on and shut the door.

The unopened toothbrush I purchased is on the counter with toothpaste and a pile of clothes with a note bearing my name when I squint at it. Deciding to take a shower, I lock the door and pull off the incredibly soft, long, men's t-shirt I had been changed into over my own underclothes.

As soon as the water is switched from the spigot to the shower head, I have to fight against the rising panic. It's been almost a year since I conquered my shower phobia. That it's back to even this extent, proves I'm even more shaken by yesterday than I thought. I push through my anxiety and wash quickly, just to prove I can.

I dry, then dress in the clothes provided me—including new underwear and a bra—brush my teeth, then gather my discarded clothes before going back to the room I had slept in, only to find it empty. I spot my pink backpack on a dresser with my glasses next to it. Hoping to preserve as many lenses as possible, I slide them on.

This. This must be the 'sexy librarian' outfit. My glasses go well with it, but I need to put my hair up to really complete the look. My shoulders' screaming in pain prevent me from making a neat bun, but I give it my best shot, and my new haircut leaves my face framed by loose strands. Oddly enough, I don't think it looks bad.

With much more confidence, I head back into the hallway and follow my nose to the kitchen. Victor, North, Silas, and Nate all surround a large kitchen island that contains all of the large appliances except the fridge and microwave. The guys are working together silently to prepare an enormous amount of food; it's much more than even four hungry boys can eat. 

"Good morning," I whisper, not wanting to startle them.

The weight of their eyes as they turn toward me has me wanting to take a few steps back and hide where no one can see through my defenses.

"Holy shit," Nate says, pulling my focus to him.

"What?" I ask, tilting my head to one side.

"You look like Kota's wet dream," Silas explains and gets thwapped across the head by North for his troubles.

"Probably Mr. B's, too," Victor says, but ducks out of North's reach before he can get smacked.

My blush is at nuclear levels, but I don't respond. Instead I eye the platters of food already completed and frown at the items still left to prepare. Maybe they're preparing food for a homeless shelter? Instead of asking about that, I address what I really want to know.

"Where are we?" I murmur.

"This is sort of all of our place away from our biological families. Gabe is still 17, so he doesn't really live here for any length of time. Kota splits his time between here and being with his mom and sister. North, Silas, and Luke all spend a lot of time here, but still go to their family homes often enough to help out around there. Vic spends a lot of time here, but still has to do the social things with his parents. As you saw, I pretty much have a whole house to myself, so I'm only here to spend time with these guys," Nate tells me happily.

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