Accounts and Accountability

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The bus bounces down the dimly lit street as we rumble toward my old neighborhood. With only the bag upon my back, I start calculating what I need to do to get through the rest of the weekend, then the school week. I wish I could forget that I'm back on the cheer squad. Jade is going to be brutal, even if she is the one that asked me to come back. Well, probably because she asked me to come back. Just because I'm needed for competitions doesn't mean I'm not a squashable peon.

I leave the bus at the stop nearest Sunnyvale Court, desperately attempting to search the shadows for the criminal sort laying in wait just to attack me or steal my meager belongings. Once the bus is out of hearing range, it'd be really difficult for someone to sneak up on me without me knowing. I'm almost vibrating with how attuned to my surroundings I am.

Nate's house is lit up when I reach it. Across the road, Kota's porchlight and bedroom light are aglow. It looks like he has company. When I spot North's Jeep in the drive, my heart stutters painfully before galloping on. Thankfully, Nate has no cars in his driveway. Maybe I'll have some peace and quiet. I'm careful to knock quietly as I reach the door and shift my weight to one leg as I listen for sounds inside that would indicate someone coming to the door.

I hear a voice call out that it's open, and I cautiously turn the knob before stepping inside. The tv is barely loud enough to be audible from the foyer, but I can make out the sound of a sports announcer jabbering on about top plays of college football.

Just as I decide to head toward the living room, a light flashing across the wall in front of me causes my head to turn. If I'm not mistaken, that's Sean's car that pulled into Kota's driveway. I watch as Sean exits his car, unsurprised to see him, but feel dread building as Silas also climbs out of the passenger side. Without looking behind me, I call out to Nate.

"It looks like Kota is having a party, and we weren't invited." I huff out a half laugh and turn back toward the living room only to run straight into a hard chest.

With my eyes pinched shut to hold back the tears from my nose getting crunched again, the déjà vu is unmistakable. My nose recognizes that solid mass of muscle from the first time I bashed into it.

"What are you doing here, North?" I ask without opening my eyes.

He helps adjust my dislodged glasses, then steps back. When I can open my eyes, I see that his face is as severe as always, but there is an air of desperation about him. I stand mutely, staring at him as he takes my bag and waits while I slip out of my shoes. I think seriously about keeping my shoes on in case I need to leave, but it's almost like he is anticipating that. May as well go along with this if only just to get it over with.

"You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here, North?"

"I'm here for you," he replies quietly.

I don't know what to say to that, but take the initiative and walk through the living room only to stop just outside the bathroom door. Unsurprisingly, North followed like a giant shadow. I take my bag back from him and slide into the bathroom before he could say anything—I lock the door and start stripping before he even has a chance to react. This girl needs a shower! The thump against the wall sounds suspiciously like a head hitting the wall, but I can't find it within myself to ask if he's okay.

After I'm cleaned and changed into some warm pajamas, I hesitantly leave the bathroom. I throw the clothes I was wearing into the washing machine so I will have something to wear after tomorrow and head toward Nate's dad's room where I sleep when I'm here. Unfortunately, it's not the haven I was hoping for. North sits upon the comforter with his ankles crossed in front of him and his hands linked behind his head.

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