Theories and Threats

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Kota drives me to the library for my short shift. I am pleased to say that I have no problem doing the work as it was explained to me last night. I am also in a much better frame of mind after having it out with North than I was during my orientation. I even have enough time to go around and straighten out the shelves once my assigned work is completed before it's time to leave.

To my surprise, Victor is waiting outside to pick me up from work. I hike my backpack further up my shoulder and grin as I walk to him. He scoops me into a spinning hug, then sets me back onto my feet.

"After you, m'lady," Victor says while using his arm to point toward his shiny grey car.

We go back to the big house; a route I am now familiar with. I'm nervous to see any of the guys that weren't at Nate's this morning, as they must have heard about the argument but stayed out of it so that the three of us, as the key players, could get everything straightened out.

The afternoon and evening turn out to be restful. Sean wanders through around dinner time, coming from somewhere upstairs, to grab something to eat before going to his shift. His eyes have that somewhat-swollen appearance of someone who has just woken up. His smile is easy, but he looks like he needs more rest than what he has been getting. When I tell him so, he ruffles my hair and kisses my forehead before leaving.

Kota, Nate, Luke, and Gabe all show up to spend the night. I sleep alone, restlessly, in the room I've decided to claim. I swear I hear people walking around outside my door a few times in the night, but no one comes in, and I don't call out to them. I could kick myself for it now. I slept much better when I had one or more of them in the bed with me those few times it happened. I just don't want to be more of a hassle than I already am. If they were coming by the room throughout the night, maybe they wanted to snuggle too.

In the morning, I ride with Kota to the high school. I almost forget to wear contacts for the day. My eyes water uncontrollably for the first hour of having the lenses in after going for weeks wearing only glasses. I strive not to let the sense of doom facing cheerleading be evident. I think I'm successful until Luke tugs me aside after getting out of the car he followed us in.

"Smile, Sweetie. You don't want everyone to think you're upset to see Si," Luke jokes as he motions toward Silas' form, visible at this distance, towering over those around him.

I roll my eyes, and pull on the smile I wear when I'm in front of the crowd. We walk together until we come to Silas. My smile is genuine as he lifts me into his arms. I've missed him terribly.

"How was your weekend, Aggele?" he asks.

"It...was a weekend," I answer, unable to offer much in the way of positive words. "I started at the library. That went okay, but it was a little too slow paced. I ran out of stuff to do."

For some reason this makes Kota and Luke laugh. I guess wanting a challenge makes me weird. Whatever. I walk beside Silas and Luke as Kota walks several paces ahead of us, and we head off to our respective homerooms.


School is over much too soon. I change into my clothes from gym and swap into my cheerleading shoes. I'm still tying my hair into a ponytail as I join the other girls in the mezzanine. Miss Sociopath seems to have been watching for my arrival.

"Look who's decided to come crawling back to us," she sneers.

"But, Jade, you asked — oompf!" Riss starts, only to be elbowed by Jade.

I pretend not to see or hear their exchange as I walk over to the group. I wear a contrite smile and keep my eyes to the floor. My fellow peons quietly greet me, and we all wait until Jade finishes going drill sergeant on us. We run laps for ten minutes; I do my best to keep to the back of the pack, but not be the last in line. That would only encourage more ridicule.

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