Chapter 9

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I was cool. It was dark. Had I been buried? No. My eyes were opening. When I woke up, I didn't realize where we were at first, but it was a cave. I was in my harpooning garments. A band around my hair. My undershirt, and pants.
I think Anne, Ade, and the men brought me here. Where was Mary? I looked to my left, and thank God she was there. My hand was over hers. She wasn't sleeping. She was to relaxed to even be sleeping. Was she in a coma? Emily was laying on her left arm. I tried to get up, but there was a stinging pain just near my right lung. I lifted my shirt realising the bottom of my torso had been bandaged. Mary must've gotten me. She had good aim, there was no doubt about that. As I looked at Mary, I noticed on her collarbone, on the left side, above her heart, she had a wrap like I did. Did we really do this to each other? Almost, kill, each other? Were things that bad? Mary and I both had a quick temper. When she was angry nothing could stop her from doing what was in her mind. When I got angry, I didn't think about my descions. I just killed, so it's quite possible we both did shoot. But the question is, who fired first?

It didn't matter. I honestly didn't care if she shot first. All that I cared about was if she was going to live. I was able to stand up. I picked up Emily. There was blankets in a pile, so I layered a few on the ground, and the put some on her, so she wasn't cold. I went next to Mary, and sat down. I looked at her. I moved blankets to see that the wound she had was bleeding. I hate myself. I hope she makes it through the night. I grabbed her hand. Emily must've woken up because she was rubbing her eyes, and walked to me, still looking sleepy. "Dad, when mummy going to wake up?" "I don't know dear, soon, hopefully." Emily sat in my lap and was having trouble sleeping. I wasn't the greatest at singing, but Anne taught me a song that Mary taught her. So, I sang it. "Of all the money, that e'we I had, I spent it in, good company. And all the harm that e'er I've done, Alas it was, to none but me.'' I sang more, and eventually she fell back to sleep. I kept singing this. Maybe it would wake up Mary.

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