Chapter 21

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When I woke up, it was cloudy, like a storm might come in. It was cool and breezy. Mary was still asleep. I was still tired, so I decided to rest.

A few hours after, I woke to rain hitting me. I was a light sleeper, so it bothered me, Mary however, could sleep through the end of the world. I picked her up, once again, and realized I wouldn't make it to the manor by the time a heavy storm would come. I walked to a small house that was vacant and opened the door. It was rather nice. Just a bedroom with a closet, armour, and a large bed. I set Mary on the bed, and sat next to her. The storm lasted for a long while. It calmed, but looked like it would come back soon.

I woke up Mary, and we ran back home. When we got there, Anne told us to quiet down, as the toddlers and baby were asleep, and Jenny was playing with her dolls. Mary held her hand in pain. "Dammit." She whispered. "What's that?" Anne asked. "Nothing." "It doesn't seem like nothing." "Jesus Anne, are you a fucking interrogator?" "Fuck you, Mary." "Fuck you too, Anne." "What's wrong with you Mary!?" "A fucking lot, at the moment. Shall I wait for you to grab ink and some paper to write this all down? Or can you just mentally take note of this?" "I always do everything for you. I watch your kids, I clean, I do everything that you blow off because your too lazy. Or is it just the fact that your worried that your life and behavior will rub off on Emily? Hmm, Oh wait, I know... Your worried you'll turn out like your mother, and raise a killer, who has no self esteem to the point where she dresses like a man, and runs off to the military, falls in love, which, God forbid she do, and gets married, then, her husband dies. And suddenly she's on her own again. But wait, she's used to this. She needs a "purpose," but won't admit it. So then, the 25 year old continues her act as a teenager, and joins the assassins so she has a valid reason to kill. But there's more. She makes this great reputation, a leader, then abandons what she's helped to make. She goes back to being a pirate, killing, getting rich, as a side job, and is hypocritical, and pulls an innocent man into it all, then criticizes him for doing the same. Then, has feelings for him. He nearly puts his damn life on the line to rescue your dumbass. And you almost die, which, is your fault. Then, come back into your daughters life, acting like nothing happened when you had me and Edward going through hell. That's it. Your so scared of yourself, your worried you'll turn into your mother, and Emily you" With no hesitation, Mary smacked Anne with her right hand so hard, Anne's cheek was turning purple in a matter of seconds, and Mary's wou d reopened. "DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT ME, MY FAMILY, OR MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT. EVER." Blood dropped from Mary's palm down to her fingertips, and on the floor. Haytham started crying. I saw Mary look at me. So, I went to grab Haytham and put him back to sleep.

I sang a few verses of the parting glass while rocking him, and quickly he was asleep. I ran back to Mary. Anne had stormed out, most likely go Jonathan's, a man she'd been seeing for sometime. Mary was stitching her hand up, and as I neared her she said, "Go, Edward. Please. I don't want to hurt anyone else. I've hurt my best friend, my children, and my self. I can't do anymore to you." She said with a broken voice. "But- Please. Just, just go. I need to think." I walked to the front and sat in a chair as rain poured down on me. Our "perfect family" was breaking apart.

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