I Can Change (Zayn)

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“Fuck you Zayn Malik, I’m completely done.” A single tear streamed down your face. You pushed passed him, knocking your shoulder against his and walked out with all your bags. This was the last time you were going to put up with his lying and cheating ass. This was also the last time you were going to walk in on your boyfriend screwing around with another random girl in the bed you shared. You weren’t going to have to see his arm around another girl in the magazines while he was supposed be recording with the boys. You had spent the past 3 years with the famous Zayn Malik and it was all fine and dandy until about a year in, that’s when it all started. He had started cheating on you, and every time you found out, you took him back. This time however you couldn’t take it anymore. You loved him more than anything but he had completely ripped every bit of care out of you for him. This had been the 3rd girl you had walked in on Zayn fucking, but you knew there had been more. All the late nights “out with the boys” you knew he would leave early with a bimbo and not come home until 4am. You carried your bags to the car, ripped the necklace Zayn had bought you for Christmas the year before off and threw it in the front yard. You drove off never wanting to see him again.

~6 months later~

In the 6 months away from Zayn, your entire life had changed. It took a little bit to get over him because no matter where you turned his face was staring back at you. You had moved in with your best friend and gotten a job at the Starbucks down the road from your new apartment.  That’s where you had met your new boyfriend, Dan; he was amazing, tall, sweet, dark brown hair, green eyes and a few tattoos. True he did remind you a lot of Zayn, but you convinced yourself it was your “type”. It was date night for the two of you, and Dan decided he was going to take you to some fancy restaurant on the west side of town.  You fumbled around trying to find the perfect dress. After what seemed like a million years you settled on a simple forest green empire waist dress and a pair of plain black heels. You let your hair fall naturally in its soft waves and put on just a slight bit of makeup to bring out the bright [y/e/c] in your eyes. When you were finally ready you walked down the hall to the living room and waited for Dan to arrive. At about a quarter till 7 he showed up and you headed to the restaurant.  The drive was a bit awkward, you had this odd feeling something was going to go wrong, and it had been lingering all day. Dan noticed the tension on your face and gently put his hand on your leg, running little circles on your thigh with his index finger.

“[y/n] you okay? You’ve been acting funny since we left.” He asked ever so sweetly full of concern.

“Yeah babe, just thinking. I’ll be fine” you looked over to him and give a very weak smile, trying to reassure not only him, but yourself as well that everything was fine. Not long after that you arrived at the restaurant. You walked in and were in pure aw, you weren’t quite sure how Dan was able to afford this, this was the type of restaurant Zayn would have brought you to. The hostess took you to your table in the back corner of the restaurant.  After a few minutes of looking around you noticed a group of boys a few tables down, laughing and having a right good time. After they all stopped laughing a blond one piped up and you instantly noticed that husky Irish accent right off the bat. It was Niall, which meant that the rest of the boys seated around him were, Harry, Liam, Louis and of course Zayn. You instantly sunk down in your seat and tried to hide a bit. Dan gave you a quizzical look and turned around to see what you were looking at.

“[y/n], isn’t that that one band…. Ummm… what is it?”

“One Direction….”

“Yeah them!”

“Yeah, let’s just ignore them and get on with dinner.” You pointed towards the breadsticks the waitress had brought out. As the meal progressed you could feel eyes on you and it wasn’t Dan’s normal loving eyes it was someone else. You played up your relationship because you knew Zayn was watching you. You reached over and grabbed Dan’s hand gently running your thumb across his. You sexily ran your foot up his leg and showed off your cleavage as much as you could. You had no idea why you were doing this, you didn’t love Zayn anymore, he was completely out of your life or so you thought. You giggled at every extremely not funny thing Dan had to say and kept constant contact, you had to make Zayn jealous; you wanted him to feel how you felt every time he cheated on you. Towards the end of the meal you had to go to the bathroom, when you got up you gave Dan a quick peck on the lips but leaned over so your ass was in full view of Zayn. While in the bathroom you quickly freshened up, twirling your hair in your hands to get the waves back. You suddenly became startled by a knock on the door, you slip over and open the door only to have Zayn burst in and lock it behind him.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?” you screamed at him

“What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck are you doing?” he asked, his tone angry but still very cool

“Well it kind of is the ladies bathroom and last time I checked I still had a vagina” your reply was quick and witty but he wasn’t having it, his eyes sharpened and his cool tone slipped away as he started to speak again

“You know exactly what I mean; you’re out there trying to make me jealous. Clinging on to that… that thing. You knew I was here and yet you blatantly flirted and did all the things you used to do with me to him” His fist started to clinch and his face started to get flushed

“Well Mr. Malik the last time I checked you fucked me over, and I’m no longer yours! You didn’t give two shits about me! Out fucking around with other girls, fucking other girls in OUR bed, in OUR apartment! Dan actually cares, unlike some people.”  As you sentence ended Zayn advanced over to you and slammed you up against the wall, crashing his lips onto yours. You wanted to push away but every feeling you ever had for Zayn came flooding back to you. His lips were as skilled as ever and he tasted of nicotine and mint. His tongue ran gently across your bottom lip and found its way into your mouth, exploring ever inch. His hands snaked around your waist and his hips pressed into yours. One hand wondered to the hem of your dress and slowly lifted it up and rested on your bum. You nibbled on his lip and pull away. His brown eyes are almost black and full of lust. You tousled his hair as he started to kiss down your neck, finding your sweet spot and lingering on it for a moment. Soft moans escaped your mouth as his teeth made contact with your skin. You pushed him away finally coming to your senses. He was left with a puzzled look. You simply looked at him, running fingers across his chiseled jaw line.

“Zayn, you know how much I love you, but you never cared. You never fought for me and you ripped my heart to pieces. This can’t happen, not now.” His eyes slowly unclouded and became a golden brown again. He slowly slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out a chain with a small silver pendent on it. It was the necklace he had gotten you, the one you threw out when you left. He had found it and kept it.

“[y/n] I’m a fuck up, I know. I don’t deserve you; I don’t deserve everything you ever did for me. You’re a complete angel and I’m nothing but a fuck up who takes advantage of those who care for me. I found this after you left and I’ve kept it with me ever sense. I guess you leaving and throwing this out was my wake up call. You’re all I want and all I’ve ever wanted. The past six months have been complete hell, and I haven’t been with anyone else. When you left you took every part of me that was me with you. If you could give me a chance I will show you that I can change, that I have changed.” His eyes had started to water at this point. His cheeks were flushed but the rest of him was quite pale. His hands had started to tremble and he took your hands in his. You quickly placed a finger over his mouth shushing him and just looked in his eyes. This time you knew he wasn’t lying, deep down you wanted to take him back then and there but you weren’t going to let yourself get hurt again. You quickly kissed him on the cheek and spilled your heart out to him as well.

“Babe, I love you, but I can’t take you back. Not now. I have a boyfriend still and I like him quite a lot. You hurt me so much that you’re going to have to rebuild my trust with you. How about you text me later and we can start all over again as friends and work everything back up.” He slowly just nodded his head and a small smile spread across his face. You hugged him tight and gave him another kiss on the cheek. He slipped the necklace into your hand and left the ladies room. You looked back in the mirror one last time and gained your composer. As you left the ladies room Dan was still sitting at the table, you gave him a kiss and suggested you pay and leave. On the way home you got a text from Zayn

“Hi [y/n], I’m Zayn. Nice to meet you (:”

A small smile spread across your face and you just stared out the window until you arrived home.

written by tumblr user: vivalajazzie.tumblr.com

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