Football (Part 2) (Larry)

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Harry showered and changed, pulled a beanie over his messy hair and said goodbye to his parents before jumping into his stepdad’s Land Rover and heading off in the direction of the address that Louis had texted him.

It seemed a little ridiculous, and maybe a little silly that Harry was setting off at ten in the evening to visit a football star that he barely knew. But something told him that if he didn’t take the opportunity now he’d never get it again, and he’d rather regret something he’d done than regret not doing it.

Harry shouldn’t have been surprised at the scale of Louis’ house - he played in the Premier League for goodness’ sake - but he was. He pulled up to the gated driveway and pressed the buzzer, as Louis had instructed.

"Harry?" Louis voice was tinny through the intercom.

"Yeah." Harry replied, and he grinned as the gate in front of him began to slide open.

Harry parked on the driveway and checked his hair in the rearview mirror before getting out of the car and walked to the front door, where he found another buzzer. He hit it with his index finger, and heard the door click open almost immediately.

Harry pushed the door and stepped inside the grand entranceway of Louis’ house.

"Harry? Come in!" Louis’ voice carried from somewhere in the house. There were three doorways, and Harry took the middle one. He walked down a passageway and found himself in the living room.

To Harry’s surprise, Louis was alone. He’d half expected the rest of Louis’ teammates to be there, or a couple of his mates, at least. But they weren’t and Louis looked content to be lounging on an expensive looking sofa with beer in hand. His face lit up as he noticed Harry’s presence.

"Harry! You came!" he announced, standing up so he could hug his new friend.

"Of course I did, I said I would!" Harry replied, allowing Louis to hold him close.

"Beer?" Louis asked, holding a bottle out for Harry.

"Sure, thanks." Harry replied, taking the beer from Louis. “You’re still in your kit.” Harry observed, his eyes raking over Louis’ abs that the tight white shirt failed to hide.

“I guess I am.” Louis looked down at himself with a shrug. “It’s comfy.” He added, and Harry smiled.

"Here, sit." Louis sat back down, motioning for Harry to join him. Harry sat and made himself comfortable, but wasn’t quite sure where to look, or what to say.

"So, tell me about your time on X Factor. You got through when I got eliminated, right?" Louis asked in an attempt to find some common ground with the beautiful curly-head lad. The truth was that he’d googled their season of X Factor when he got home from the match so he could work out exactly how Harry fitted in. Two years was a long time.

"I think that’s right. I got thrown out at judges houses." Harry clarified.

Louis nodded sympathetically, understanding. “And what are you doing now?"

"Back at the bakery part time while I study." Harry replied, “You weren’t yourself on the pitch today." he added to change the subject, looking across at the footballer, an eyebrow raised.

Louis smiled a little grimly. He still hadn’t forgiven himself for getting so distracted that he let down his team in their first Premiership match.

"I was… distracted." Louis replied, looking across at Harry.

"Distracted? Why?" Harry asked, taking another swig of beer, watching as Louis took a deep breath.

“Well… not ten minutes in I noticed someone I recognised on the sideline.”

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