Chapter 7: No Home

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The picture above are her brothers. Brandon Casanova, Jeffery Allen, and Paul James Casanova Jr.



"Gee thanks, sis. I love you too." I said patting her on the back. Everyone was starting to freak me out because they were staring at me. "Okay..." I said quietly. "Why is everyone here?" I asked bluntly. My brothers looked at each other and one finally stepped forward only to be interrupted by my sister Alicia.

"Why wouldn't we be home to see our little sister before she leaves the country?" She said.


"Alicia Marie!" My mother yelled. Both hers and my fathers face going red.

"She didn't know yet Ali, obviously," Aarika said shaking her head and putting Kaidence down. Who ran straight to my eldest brother Pj or Paul Jr.

The boys were all in the corner giggling like a couple of school girls when their crush walks in the room. Sergio was just enjoying himself watching all the commotion. I thought it was hilarious myself. I crossed my arms over my chest and smiled to myself. I looked over at Sergio and saw he was already looking at me. I tilted my head to gesture him to come with me. He nodded his head as I pried my niece's arms from my waist. He followed me back upstairs to our bedroom. Leaving everyone else in the kitchen to bicker to themselves. I went back to sitting in my window seat when Sergio shut the door and sat on the bed and looked up to me. It was silent for a while until I finally decided to speak.

"I'm sorry about the other night." I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head sighing.

"Louisiana I should be the one apologizing to you. You were right to be mad at me and to yell at me." He said getting up and walking over to sit in the window with me. He hesitated but he put a hand softly on my knee. Only for me to flinch away anyway.

Sergio POV:

She was sitting in the window thinking about something sad. I could only tell because tears were welling up in her eyes as she watched to clouds move slowly. It felt like hours till she spoke up but I really didn't mind. Especially for someone as beautiful as her.

"I'm sorry about the other night." She said with sadness hidden in her quiet voice. It brought sadness to my heart to see her like this. Looking up to her I sighed.

"Louisiana I should be the one apologizing to you. You were right to be mad at me and to yell at me." I said as I stood up and walked over to her. I sat down carefully so wouldn't spook her. Hesitantly I put my hand on her knee to calm her down. But she flinched causing my hand to snap back and for me to look up worriedly. The look she gave me broke my heart. She was terrified, bewildered, mortified. She was about to cry I could see it in her eyes. I took her in my arms and smoothed her hair down and started rocking back and forth. Seeing her like this pissed me off that this guy is still out there and probably not working alone. That sick son of a bitch isn't gonna stop this. But he won't get anywhere near Louisiana because I'm never leaving her alone again. Even if that means that she doesn't get any privacy.

Lousiana's POV:

After I calm down we stayed sitting in the window watching the clouds laughing and talking like nothing happened. It got quiet again for a couple minutes til Sergio spoke up.

"You already knew didn't you?" He said smiling from the bed. He was all sprawled out on the bed while I was still in the window seat. His head resting on his arms.

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