*Play music video when she starts to play*
*Picture is of Louisiana's outfit later in the chapter*_-_-_
A bright beam of sunlight shown through the curtains of my windows. Indicating that we had reached morning without any problems. It was completely silent. All you could hear was the birds chirping outside to the risen sun.
Flipping the giant comforter off and instantly getting struck with cold air is not the most pleasant way to start a morning. I had completely forgotten I turned the cold air on just before bed. It had been hot in the house because I was gone for so long. I hadn't been here since a week before Arik asked me out an what would have been our first date. I slightly smiled at the memory of me turning him down. I had lied and told him I had to babysit my nephew but in reality I just didn't want to go because something seemed off about everything. I guess now I know why. Arik Compton is a psychopathic stalker. I feel a shutter of fear go down my spine at the thought of it.
After putting my hair in a very curly ponytail I walked out of my room as quietly as I could. Not knowing if Sergio was awake. Quietly walking down the stairs and into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. Except I was hit in the face with a very yummy smell. I walked into the kitchen trying not to laugh at sight of Sergio cooking and trying to do the salsa at the same time to something in Spanish over my speaker system. Grabbing the land line very slowly and quietly as possible and speaking through the microphone part making my voice echo from the speakers and all around the room.
"Sergio Rodriguez are you seriously dancing in my kitchen to 'Put the Lime in the Coconut' in Spanish?" The loudest woman like startled shriek came from him as whipped around. Trying so hard not to laughat the shrieking man I walked to the counter and grabbed an apple.
"How did you know it was that song?" He asked clearly embarrassed. I smirked at him and responded slowly.
"I do speak fluent Spanish for one." I said laughing as I turn around to walk away but not before shooting him a warning glare. "Try not to burn my house down please." I said before walking to the stairs. Taking the stairs two at a time I walk into my studio while tossing my eaten apple in the trash bin. Walking in the recording side and shut the door behind me. Everything in the studio came to life. Pulling up the recording I wanted I walked behind the mic and put my headphones on. The music only playing in this room. I took a deep breath as The Sound of Silence came through waiting for my cue. Just letting myself drown into the music barely noticing Sergio sitting and watching just outside the glass.
"Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp

Not Safe
Short StoryLouisiana Casanova is a 17 year old girl whose life was changed and not in a good way. At just the age of 16 she was a very beautiful young lady planning to become a police officer in the future. In the beginning of her sophmore year in high school...