Listen to that amazing song. Makes me cry every time I hear it. Picture of the cabin is also above.
-Chapter 9: Afraid-
Sergio has been asleep in the passenger seat for a few hours. I know we were supposed to go to closest hotel ...... which I passed like 2 hours ago. But I wasn't staying in a nasty room that I didn't know what went on in it. The things that make you cringe. So I'm going to my secret place. Nobody knows about so it should be safer then a damn hotel that's closer to my house. Only a few more hours and we'll be there. The sun is starting to go down so the sky is a beautiful mix of colors. I don't think there is anything more beautiful then the sun setting.
Sergio started stirring around just as I was pulling into the drive way. He looks around confused at first then looks at me behind the wheel and throws himself against the seat again. Rubbing his sleepy eyes he yawns and stretches as far as my car will let him. He looks at me and then outside the window then back at me.
"What?" I asked stopping the car in the shed out side the house next to my other beautiful vehicle. I come here a lot so I have lots of stuff here and now I have more since everything I own from home is in my trunk.
"Where are we?" Sergio said trying to wake up more so he can focus. I got out of the car smiling and he followed not that far behind.
"My house." I said loud enough for him to hear and walked to the trunk with the keys to open it.
"Louisiana," He breathed shaking his head. "We aren't at your house I've seen your house. Whose house is this?" He asked. I looked at him raising my eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest.
"It is actually my house." I said in a matter of fact tone. Now it was his turn to raise a brow. "As in I own it not my parents." His starts laughing like a silly little school girl and acting like it was the most hilarious thing he had ever heard. He stopped laughing when he seen my face.
"Wait, you're serious.?" He says surprised. "How on earth do own a house by yourself and why are we here?" He asked looking at me expectantly. "We were supposed to just go to a hotel."
"And I'm not staying in a room where god knows what has happened in it." I said opening the trunk and grabbing as much as I can. "And a double win it's safer then a hotel." I said walking out of the shed and towards the cabin style house. I always loved this place because it was quite and it was where I go to get away from everything. It was my safety blanket. And another bonus it was beautiful out here. I hear a low 'Woah' behind me and quietly chuckle so he won't hear me. Walking up the front porches stairs I set the bags down and grabbed the keys from pocket. Unlocking the door I stepped in a few steps and turned the main hallway lights on. Walking back I grabbed the and set them down on the floor near the closest closet. I turned around and Sergio was still standing in the doorway gawking at how nice the only room he can see so far is. I can't wait to see his face when he sees the rest of it.
I laugh lightly at just the thought of it. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. Smiling lightly at him as I walked past him and said, "You're gonna catch flies." I laughed at his face and walked away. "Come on lets get the rest of the stuff then I'll show you around." He followed me back to the car and grabbed some boxes. I'm surprised how much stuff we can fit in there. It's like a never ending pit sometimes.

Not Safe
Short StoryLouisiana Casanova is a 17 year old girl whose life was changed and not in a good way. At just the age of 16 she was a very beautiful young lady planning to become a police officer in the future. In the beginning of her sophmore year in high school...