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Theo Raeken.

The Theo Raeken.

Theo freakin' Raeken.

You couldn't even begin to grasp the fact that he came back to Beacon Hills—much more the fact that he claims that he was bitten by a werewolf, hence his current supernatural state. If you were going to be honest, his return was a pleasantly shocking event. After all, he was one of your good friends before he left and you might have had this slight crush on the boy. Well, massive crush actually. Because, come on, he was one of the coolest guys then. Sure, Whittemore was one but he has been kind of an ass even before. Theo, oh Theo, was the cool and nice guy.

Of course, those feelings have passed away a few years after he left. New and stronger feelings and emotions have replaced that puppy love kind of emotion in your chest—feelings specifically for Stiles Stilinski. Initially, you thought that your feelings were designed to just hit rock bottom and drag you down with it. You knew about the 10-year plan that he had to win Lydia. And it hurt you at some point. But by some weird turn of events, Stiles eventually dropped his 10-year plan.

What you didn't know was that in the whole Jackson being a kanima fiasco, Stiles realized that maybe Lydia wasn't who he truly had romantic feelings for—one that wasn't based on just good looks and brains. Lydia, he realized, was one of the people whom he'd love solving cases with but not particularly someone whom he would love to share the rest of his life with. It finally dawned on him that it was you. Sadly, he figured it out when Matt had a gun pointed at your forehead. He knew that if he lost you, he wouldn't be able to take it—he wouldn't be able to accept your death.

That's why in the summer between Sophomore and Junior year, he just blurted out a mass of words that only meant that he couldn't continue being just friends with you because he loves you too much to only consider you as a friend. He told you about how much he wanted to hold you in his arms for a long time after that scene with Matt at the station. He told you how he, despite the 10-year plan, had at some point wondered about how it would be like to kiss you, especially when you were over at his house watching movies.

And everything between the two of you started to fall into place. Even after the whole deal with the nogitsune, the two of you stayed strong. You both managed to help solve the dead pool case. And now, the roadblock (for Stiles, at least) was Theo Raeken.

He knew about your previous massive crush on the guy. He hated it. But other than that, his return seemed a little too off for the sarcastic boy. You couldn't blame him. If you think about it, Theo appeared when the creature with glowing claws attacked Scott on the night of the Senior Scribe. He even appeared as one of the supernatural. And until Stiles figures out what's the real deal with Theo, he warned you to keep your distance from the guy.

You tried, of course. It didn't hurt to be wary of new people in Beacon Hills, even if they used to reside in the place before. But it was kind of hard to keep your distance given that his locker was right next to yours and that you two used to have a good relationship.

"Hey," Theo greeted when he approached his locker. He smiled at you as he did his lock's combination. You, on the other hand, were in the process of getting your English and Physics books.

"Morning," you replied, offering him a small smile.

"You know, I think we should hang out some time. I mean, to catch up and all," he suggested.

"Oh," you blinked. Your thoughts went back to Stiles' warning. You were about to respond but someone else beat you to it.

"Her schedule's pretty full. So, no," Stiles answered from beside you as his arm snaked around your waist. You didn't even realize that he was making his way to you just a couple of seconds ago. You could only roll your eyes but you appreciated what he did. It was kind of hard for you to reject the offer, simply because it made you feel slightly bad.

"Oh?" Theo raised a brow, an amused smirk on his lips. "I was asking (y/n),"

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Stiles challenged, as he stood a bit straighter. He even puffed his chest out a bit to seem intimidating. "I said no. Do you want to hear it in Spanish? Noh,"

Theo just chuckled. He raised his hands in defeat. "Okay, okay. I heard you, Stilinski. The offer still stands though, (y/n)," he said before closing his locker and leaving.

You turned to Stiles only to see him with a look of disapproval.

"I told you to avoid him, didn't I?" He sighed. Stiles was feeling slightly frustrated, it seemed.

"I know," you replied. "But it's kind of hard considering that his locker is next to mine. Come on, Stiles. He couldn't be that bad,"

He huffed as he ran a hand through his hair. "There's just something wrong with his return. I don't know what it is exactly but I don't like it,"

"Is that the only reason why you want me to avoid him?"

"W-What?" He stammered. His eyes started darting everywhere. "Yeah, of course," his voice was shaky as he said that.

"Really?" You pushed, a smirk playing on your lips. With his arm still around your waist, you slowly turned to face him. You saw how Stiles' eyes widened as he visibly gulped. "Is that really just the reason? I mean, you even puffed your chest out as if trying to tell him something else,"

"Huh? I mean..."

"It seemed to me that you were... jealous," you chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

Stiles huffed. "Pssh... Jealous? No,"

"Even if I don't have Scott's abilities, I know that that was a lie,"

"Fine. Maybe I was. I mean, come on... That's Theo Raeken, the guy you used to like a lot,"

"Yeah? But I don't get jealous when you're with Lydia. I mean, you even had a 10-year plan to win her over," you playfully said. "Stiles, I wouldn't be with you if I wasn't sure of how I feel about you. I love you and just you. Okay?"

"I know," he sighed. "I just hated seeing you with him, you know? Who knows what he's thinking,"

You stood on your tiptoes to give him a peck on the lips. "I love you,"

Stiles finally smiled. It was a goofy one but you loved it nonetheless. "I love you too,"

"Now, let's get to class. I really don't want to start the year with detention," you smiled as you pulled away. "And one last thing... You're really cute when you get jealous,"

With a chuckle, you jogged away from Stiles, leaving him standing in front of your locker with a look of disbelief starting to form on his face.

"Cute?" He mumbled as he turned to the direction you went. Your giggles echoed in the hallway. "(Y/n)! Cute?! Really? You think I'm cute?! Of all the adjectives you had at your disposal, you chose cute?!" Stiles called after you as he ran to catch up with you. "You could've said handsome or hot but... Cute?!"

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