Chapter 3

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Sitting at the table with the whole family was just awkward now. They had nothing to talk about and nothing to say to each other. Natsuko's father had just come back from a business trip in South Korea and he was back for a month before he has to go to London.

"'s school girls?"

They both weakly nodded.

Their father's expression was distant and a bit cold, "I come back home from Korea and I'm not even missed...nor am I wanted to talked to."

He slammed his newspaper down, startling Natsuko as she stared down at her hands in her lap.

"No...father, it isn't like that." Riko tried to explain but it was too late, he had his jacket on and was heading out the door with his suitcase.

"I'll see you guys at dinner." He said as he walked out, not even turning around as his wife asked him to stay for breakfast.

They both looked over to their mother who they knew, was trying to hold back her tears, "Why don't you two eat breakfast and get don't want to be late."

Later on as Natsuko dropped Riko off to her school she slowly walked to school. Blinking back tears that threatened to fall but she wouldn't let them. How could life get so chaotic? It didn't seem too long ago that their house was nothing but sunshine and rainbows but she knew, she couldn't do anything about it. This was something between her mother and father.

When she got to school she was still deep in thought as she walked down the hallways. She didn't know where she was going but her feet were leading the way. It led her all the way to the gym, where she sat on the bleachers. She felt completely alone and isolated.

Where she liked it.

...or...maybe she wasn't alone.

From the storage room where all the equipment for PE is stored, she heard voices.

All her energy was focused on that now. Was she just hearing stuff or was there actually people in there?

"Hello?" She yelled out.

She heard the stopping of movement. That's when she heard a whisper, "Shit, is somebody out there?"

A boy's voice. After that she heard a girl say, "Sato! You said nobody comes to the gym in the mornings!"

"Well, that's what I thought!"

Then they both stepped out. The boy was tucking his button up shirt back into his pants and putting his school blazer back on while the girl fixed her hair and was straightening out her skirt. That's when it hit Natsuko:

They were having sex in there!

She instantly blushed, turning her head away from the couple.

"I-I'm so sorry..." she stuttered out.

"'s just that quiet 1st year girl." The guy said to his girlfriend as he scratched the back of his head.

"...but would she tell anyone."

"L-listen, I promise I-I won't tell anyone!" Natsuko blurted out.

The guy walked forward and grabbed her hair, "...are you sure bout that?"

Natsuko desperately pulled at his arm as she winced in pain, "Please...I promise I won't tell anyone! L-let me go!"

He jerked his arm to the side to get rid of her grip on his arm, "Why don't you start by shutting the hell up, hm?"

"S-Sato..." His girlfriend stuttered out.

He cocked his head to the side a bit, "What?!"

When he saw who had joined their little party he gasped, letting go of Natsuko who dropped to the floor, "Ki-Kiyoshi...what brings you here?"

The brown haired boy just stared at him with a devilish smile, "What do you think you're doing?"

Sato looked down at Natsuko who was rubbing the spot on her head that was pulled, "I...I was just making sure this little bitch kept her mouth shut."

Kiyoshi let out a sigh as he rolled his head, "'s your little bitch that needs to keep her mouth shut. She was moaning like a little whore..."

At that, Sato got angry, " how you address my girl. I don't care who you are or who your family is and besides, I don't work for don't act like you're my boss."

Kiyoshi just became more amused, clicking his tongue at him, "Would you risk getting a beating by me for your 'girl'? You would never stand a chance but if you really want to prove yourself, put up your fist! I hate people who act tough just to try and prove that they're something they're not."

"Sato! L-let's just go." His girlfriend said, getting a little worried.

Sato could only glare at Kiyoshi and grumble curses at him as he and his girlfriend walked out.

Kiyoshi stood in front of Natsuko for awhile before sighing. He turned and walked towards the exit before hearing a small and weak, "Tha...thank y-you."

He kept on walking, "Tch...just be careful next time."


Natsuko solemnly walked back to class. When she walked in she should've expected to get tackled down by her best friend.

"Where were you! I thought you were sick today, you weren't here! Did you wake up late?"

All of Sora's yelling brought her back to earth, "Uh- y-yea...I didn't hear my alarm this morning."

"Hey hey, what's wrong? You sound so...down." Sora said as she stopped hugging Natsuko to pull her back and look at her. She studied her face then looked at her up and down, "You look fine, are you really sick?"

"No no, don't worry about me."

The rest of the day went by just fine, Natsuko was able to successfully get through lunch and the rest of her class periods. She decided to skip literature club, her excuse was that she needed to study for a math test tomorrow. She walked straight home, skipping her walk with Sora. Sora had softball practice anyways so it didn't matter, hopefully Sora doesn't wait up for her. Natsuko just really wanted to be home, she wanted to be there for her mother even if she always locks herself in her room. Natsuko just wanted to be there to help if there was any help needed.

Maybe it was just her...maybe she was stressing so much because she's just too nice


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