Chapter 5

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Then she saw him, walking out of his classroom and getting ready to go to lunch. Brown hair that shone when hit with sunlight...that laid back posture. The calm way he spoke, no matter what he was saying. Even though, his warning to her last week had been pretty frightening.

'How come I've never seen him around before? Kiyoshi...'

Then all of a sudden, "What are we looking at?" Came a whisper from next to her.

She jumped as she looked at a curious Sora who was squinting afar, "You scared me!" Natsuko said as she playfully hit her friend.

She turned around again but this time, he was gone, "Nothing...I was just...zoning out again."

Sora let out a sigh, "You know...if there's stuff going on, you can always come talk to me."

"I know, I know. It's just...complicated at home, that's all." Natsuko smiled at her.

Later on, Natsuko was able to leave Sora at lunch, excusing herself to the library. Of course she felt bad for ditching her best friend but she just really needed some space to herself right now.

She made her way to the rooftop, letting the cool air breeze through her hair. The beautiful view of the school's garden down below and the bright conversations of the other students. She couldn't bring herself to be happy that life was beautiful though. Life wasn't beautiful, even if it was, everything has a downside. She wished she was able to just force these feeling down but, it was hard. The more she thought about the fading happiness in her family, the more she saw that she was fading away. Well, not physically but emotionally.

Maybe if she just let the sadness break -if she just let it all out- then maybe she'll be okay.

With that conclusion, she let the tears fall down from her eyes. She didn't blink them back like all those other times, she just let them fall and cascade down her cheeks. Sniffing softly.

"I just don't understand..." Came a boyish voice, "Why can't I ever get some peace and quiet in my life?"

Natsuko spun around in surprise, eyes wide and wiping away her tears. Sitting there, on top of one of the AC vents was...


He sighed, "You again..."

"Were you sitting there the whole time?"

He jumped off the vent and shoved his hands into his pockets, "I was actually sleeping but now I can't..."

Her cheeks turned pink, "I...I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were out here."

He stopped her by lifting up his palm, "No's fine. You were obviously dealing with some heavy stuff, I'm the one that feels like the intruder. I'll be leaving now."

He turned to walk away but she quickly said, "I feel like I've been a nuisance to you and I'm sorry."

He turned back around to face her, "...yea...that's kinda true."

Her mouth fell open, she was taken aback by his words. She was only trying to apologize.

She was going to reply to his rude remark, whether he knew it was rude or not but he spoke up first, "Not to be mean though."

Silence. Only the sniffing of her crying was audible.

"Don't..." He said in a low voice.


He scratched the back of his head as he walked forward to lean against the railing, "Don't cry, I just hate it when girls cry. It's not cute."

Natsuko sniffed, "I'm sorry..."

"Stop with that too. With all that 'sorry' crap...", Kiyoshi took out a handkerchief and turned towards her. He began wiping at her tears, her eyes widened and he pushed it at her, "Here, you can do it." He said as he quickly turned the other way to hide his blush.

She grabbed it from him, "Thanks."

As she wiped at her face he asked, "So what is it? Guy problems? Friend drama?"

"Family problems...I guess."

He just slowly nodded, "I get it. No need to tell me, I know how it feels."

They both stood out there for awhile, looking out at the school yard until Kiyoshi let out a groan and stretched, "Well, I better get going. You take care..."

He started walking towards the exit as she called after him, "Wait...your handkerchief, don't you want it back?"

"No, you keep it."

'Why? I don't know but I'll let you keep it...'


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