Chapter 4

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"I'm home!"

The house was quiet for some reason, "Hello?"


Haru, Kiyoshi's 7 year old brother came running down the hallway, "Father told me to tell you that he wants to see you in his office once you got home."


He nodded his head slowly, "Where's Tatsuo?"

Haru stared at the ground, shifting his feet around before mumbling out, "He's"

Kiyoshi took a deep breath, figuring out what to do...what to say.

"What'd you guys do?" Haru asked his older brother.

He looked down at his little brother and smiled, "Nothing. Don't worry about it okay."

Kiyoshi ruffled Haru's hair before walking down the hall to the office.

'Damn it, this is all of Tatsuo's fault! He's such an idiot that he didn't even think that he would get set up by his own informant. I knew Takashi would betray my idiot brother when he got the chance too.'

Kiyoshi walked down the hall as slow as possible, then the stairs...then the hall upstairs. He was dreading every moment of it. Now he wished he had taken up that offer to go to the cafe with Hitoshi, it seems like everytime Tatsuo decides to "handle" things on his own they always get in trouble for it.

He slowly rapped his knuckles on the door and heard, "Come in."

Closing the door behind him he bowed to his father, not even looking him in the eye, "Father?"

His father grunted, "You two know why you're here right?"

Kiyoshi looked over to Tatsuo who...didn't look in the best of moods but answered, "Yes."

Their father nodded, "Let me ask the both of you, what two idiots go off on their own without telling anybody or even bringing backup?"

"Father, I thought we would be able to handle them on our own."

"Tatsuo, shut your mouth! You're actions last night could have gotten your younger brother too! You don't run things around here, if those were your docks then I wouldn't had had a problem but you went and caused a big scene and THEN you both blew up my docks!"

They both bowed their heads lower, hearing the anger rising in his voice, "Tatsuo, shutup." Kiyoshi whispered to him.

"When you are the boss then you can go do whatever the hell it is that you want! But until then, you take orders from me! If I say for you to stay put and lay low then that is what you fucking do. If I tell you to make a move then you obediently do whatever it is I tell you to do! Do the both of you understand? Am I making myself clear?"

They both weakly nodded.

Having calmed down from his lecture, he sat back in his chair with a huff, "The both of you, get out."

Closing the door behind him, Kiyoshi pushed Tatsuo, "See what you always do. Maybe if you just think sometimes we wouldn't-"

Tatsuo pushed him back, "Everything went as planned! Look, mister smarty-pants...I'm gonna take over, not you. Okay, I will do anything to get that position. So why don't you start a little early and follow my orders sometimes."

Kiyoshi just scoffed at him, "As if...and I don't want the position anyways so don't waste your time."

He walked away from Tatsuo but he caught Kiyoshi by the arm, "Hey, you need to stop messing around with my men also."

Kiyoshi stared at him, "...what are you even talking about?"

Tatsuo grinned, letting go of his arm, "This morning...with Sato and then you came to the rescue, who's the girl?"

Kiyoshi could only laugh at him, "She's a nobody and I wasn't messing with Sato...I was keeping him out of trouble. He shouldn't walk around acting tough."

Tatsuo watched him walk away, "Sure, if you say so."


Kiyoshi yawned as he got out of the car. He waved his driver away and walked towards the gates of the school, greeting teachers as he walked into the school yard.

"Yo!" Came a greeting.

Kiyoshi was pulled down as an arm was draped over his shoulder. He nearly jumped but laughed it off when he saw who it was, "Hitoshi! You scared me you bastard."

Hitoshi laughed as the mischievous spark in his eyes shone, "Oh oh...I'm sorry."

They entered the school building together. Hitoshi kept going on and on about how his mother has been gone and his dad had actually attempted to make dinner for him and his little sister, "Also, my older sister will be returning from college this December and guess what?!"

"What?" Kiyoshi asked as they walked down the halls.

"I overheard my parents talking, they said that she'll be bringing her boyfriend...", Hitoshi began laughing so hard he almost fell back, "My dad looked so awkward!!! It was hilarious to see!"

'Yup, that's Hitoshi...'

Hitoshi began telling a different story now, "So I was telling her-"

Just then Kiyoshi bumped into someone, the person spilled all their books.

"I-I'm sorry..." Came a small voice.

Not even looking at the person, Kiyoshi bent down and started helping her pick up her books, "Not at all, it was partly my fau-"

Looking up at him was Natsuko. His whole demeanor changed, he picked up the rest and stood up to pass them back to her, "Hey, Hitoshi?"

"Hm? What's up bro?"

"You go on ahead I'll catch up with you."

"Sure...see you in class then."

With Hitoshi gone it was just Kiyoshi and Natsuko standing in the hallway, nothing was said as other students passed on. When it looked like he had nothing to say, Natsuko began to slowly turn the other way. She began walking but Kiyoshi followed her and grabbed her by the arm. He dragged her into the band room.

She let out a squeak as he pulled her against the wall, making her drop her books and her bag even ended up slipping off her shoulder and spilling everything on the ground.

"My stuff..."

"Be careful..." Kiyoshi finally said.


"I careful", he said sternly as his face got closer to hers, "Stay away from Sato and whoever he hangs out with, always walk with a friend. Stay away from his girlfriend and her friends too."

"I-I don't even kn-know them..."

He backed up, letting go of her arm he bent down and began picking up her stuff for her, "That's great but I'm telling you, he will most likely go to great lengths to make sure you run into him. Maybe I shouldn't had butted in that day but..."

He looked up to find her down at his level already, making him scoot back an inch, "...but what?" She asked as she put everything back in her bag.

"Nothing." He picked up her books and put them on the desk, " careful. I'm in too tight of a position, I won't be able to help you next time." He walked out and shifted his bag on his shoulder.

'She should be fine...hopefully'


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