Choreography 8: The Nami Key & Negotiations

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[Warning: This chapter has spoilers for Little Mermaid.]

-Shikō Academy-Library #3-

"You did what?!" Rem shouted, slamming his hands on Y/N's desk and causing the female to flinch.

"I said I gave them a time limit. It's all I could give to her so she could make up with her friends." She explained, crossing her arms around her middle, as if that would protect her from the completely livid devil.

"Everyone get out so that I may discuss with our leader." Rem coldly stated, not once taking his heated gaze off of Y/N.

"That includes you, too, Shi." The female told her black haired body guard before he could make any sort of retort against Rem. It was bad enough she was going to be scolded, she didn't need her best friend to get caught in the crossfire as well.

As soon as they heard the door to the library shut, Rem closed his aquamarine eyes and rubbed at his temples. "You do understand that we're under a time limit, don't you?" He asked her.

"Of course I do." Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes, before she placed her hands on the desk and leaned towards him. "But if you had seen their faces, and if you had a heart then you would have done the exact same thing that I had. I have no clue how long Princess Sheru has been on land, but it is obvious that they had cared for her and she cared for them back. With the help of Shiki and Mage I could have easily taken the key from her, but I did not, because I have no clue what would have happened if I had and she would have turned into a mermaid. She would not have been able to make up with them, and I know that if I was in her position, I would not know what to do with myself." She claimed. "Being a Guardian is not an easy task, I just wanted to help her in something that I knew mattered to her."

Rem sighed and shook his head. "Just get the key, Y/N." He told her.

Y/N, in response, scoffed and turned away from him. "Trust me, I plan to." She stated.

-Iwatobi, Japan-Next Morning-

"Well you seem to be in a good mood today, Princess." Mage grumbled, looking at the (H/C) werewolf suspiciously as she had a certain pep in her step as they walked towards the beaches that Iwatobi was famous for.

"Huh? You must be imagining things." Y/N insisted, hopping down the wooden steps that took them from the cement pavement to the sandy beaches.

"No, you're certainly in high spirits this morning." Shiki pointed out, agreeing with Mage's observation as he followed close behind the female.

"Well, maybe it's because I'm ready to get a hold of the Nami Key. Just think, we'll be the first to possess more than just one of the keys." Y/N urged, shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalant way.

"Whatever you say." Mage rolled his eyes, seeming to not believe the female. But, he certainly didn't want to get into a fight with her at the moment, no matter how cute she looked when pissed off, since they had to work together in order to get the Nami Key. "How long is it that we have to wait for this chick?" He then asked.

"Not long." The trio stopped and quickly looked behind them to see the white haired human-turned-mermaid standing there with a determined expression.

"Ah, Princess Sheru. I knew I could count on you to find us." Y/N said, grinning as she placed her hand against her chest that began to ache. It was a way that she was able to tell that she was close to another Heavens Key, since there had been a curse put onto the objects to keep them separated.

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