Chapter 5-Unfair Punishment

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Hello my fellow readers!!(:

Dudes!! I am sooooooo sorry for the very absolutely late update D': *ducks behind my door from my lovely frustrated readers* Everytime I tried to write, something or someone always interrupts me >.< it was frustrating and I felt like hitting someone lol So to apologize I wrote a long chapter. Hope it's not lame or anything ;P

Enjoy Chap 5!!

Disclaimer::: I do not own Naruto or any it's characters. I do own Shiru-chan, Haruo, Bobo, and Yuu.



It’s been three weeks since Haruo told me the truth about where he came from and it’s been almost a week since I last seen him. I wonder what my father has him doing to be gone for so many days…oh well, I shouldn’t worry too much, he can easily take care of himself.

Since the old man taught me how to use chakra he has been training me how to use and concentrate it to certain parts of my body so give my hits extra power. It was very difficult at first but thanks to the hours of meditating he would force me to do sometimes throughout the years, I got the hang of it quickly.

I thought he was tough on me during training before, now it seems easy compared to training now.

Not only do I get physically and mentally exhausted, but if I use too much chakra I feel even worse. Also, Haruo warned me that if I run out of chakra I would die……yippee, just another thing to worry about when I’m fighting. Bleh!

Well I shouldn’t be complaining much. Learning how to control my chakra has made my father’s training easier to handle. He’s been in an awful mood ever since he came back home after his business trip and been taking it out on me every chance he gets.

For now as an example, my father is making me fight against ten of his men that are armed with different types of weapons while I have to fight only with my bare hands. He says it’s to test me, to see how much I have grown in strength, but I now he just wants to see me suffer in pain. To watch me loose so he has a reason to punish me in some way.

I’m more worried of the punishment he has in store for me than the fight against all these men.

Because, even if I win against them, I would still be punished for an unfair reason.

Taking a deep breath through my nose and blowing it out my mouth, I get into my fighting stance and analyze my soon to be opponents.

Three at the end have wooden bats; the one in the middle seems to favor his left side so he probably has an injury, the one on the left keeps moving his bat around in his hands so he probably has a messed up elbow or shoulder, and then the other man seems to be uninjured.

Five of them have brass knuckles; two of them have an injury. The last two have metal poles; one has a bad right shoulder.

Looks like I can use their injuries as an advantage, it’s not much but at least it’s something.

~~(A/N sorry for the lame fight scene, I’m not very good at describing them >.<)~~

A silent signal went off and they all suddenly charged me. I wait until they are a foot away to attack. I punch the one with the shoulder injury and kick him away, using his back as a leverage to jump away from the circle.

Turning around to face them again, I dodge a swing from a metal pole then grab his outstretched injured arm, break it with my knee and then kick him away causing him to knock down three men coming towards me.

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