Chapter 11- Thank You

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Hello dudes and dudettes!! Guess you all weren’t expecting an update so soon huh? I wanted to surprise you guys and be a sneaky ninja and update within the same week^_^

This chapter is dedicated to @XXKibaXX for giving me the idea for this chapter without her knowing it(: So thank you girly!!

So what will the psychotic fangirls do? Obviously threaten her but how will Shiru react? Will she be emotionless the whole time and just sit there? Will she attack them because they are getting to close to her and had enough of their words? OR will she react another way? Read to find out!

Disclaimer::: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I do own Haruo, Bobo, Yuu, and Shirudo.

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Didn’t I mention that I disliked crowded spaces? Well I guess these girls didn’t hear it because they are all crowded around me. I unconsciously start messing with the ends of my shirt as my panic begins to rise.

I look up at the browned haired girl in front of me. She is wearing a light green long sleeved shirt with black shorts that are way too short on her and blue sandals. There’s a condescending look on her face and so do the other girls.

“A girl as ugly as you would never have a chance with Sasuke-kun. So you better stay away from him, got it? If you’re smart you wouldn’t even look at him. Or else we would have to teach you a lesson or two.” Her squeaky high pitched voice hurts my sensitive ears causing me to flinch, which she smirks at believing I flinched at her words.

I don’t understand why she’s threatening me. I don’t really care about appearances, those aren’t important to me so what she said doesn’t really have an effect on me as much as she thinks. But why bother me about boys? I don’t even know who Sasuke is.

This is my first day here and I’m already being threatened. Why did Haruo leave me alone with all these strangers?

My hands start to shake and my breathing quickens as they surround me even more, “Uh, umm I don’t know who Sasuke is and I don’t really care who he is. Can you all please back up a bit, I don’t like crowded spaces.” Their eyes narrow at my words, some of them gasp, others glare down at me. The browned haired girl takes a step closer to me and places a hand on the desk as she leans in close, making it worse for me.

“You have a problem with space issues? Aww you poor abused little thing.” She says sharply in her sickly sweet high pitched voice. “Why would I listen to anything you say? You’re a weak little girl. Sasuke won’t even look at someone as ugly and weak as you. So don’t you even dare say anything bad about Sasuke.” She and the other girls laugh cruelly.

When did I ever say anything bad about Sasuke? And did she call me weak? I’m not weak. She doesn’t even know what I’m capable of. Her mentioning that I’m weak irritates me, but my breath and panic is rising so I can’t say defend myself.

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