Chapter 8- Uhh Hi

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Hello my lovelies!! I apologize for the delay and to those who I told that I was updating a few days ago.I got annoyingly busy-__-

Enjoy reading!

Disclaimer:::I do no town Naruto or any of it's characters. I do own Haruo, Bobo, SHirudo, and Yuu.

“Tamotsu talking outside Shirudo’s body”

“Tamotsu talking in Shirudo’s mind”

“Shirudo talking to Tamotsu in mind”


I wake up instantly when I sensed something in my room. I keep my eyes closed and my breathing normal.

It’s not a human obviously, or I would have attacked them. Also it’s too small to be human, so it has to be some type of animal. I take a deep breath and instantly I smell a familiar type of sent. Since I grew up with Bobo I am familiar with the smell of monkeys, apes, or whatever Haruo categorized them as. With growing curiosity, I see no harm in opening my eyes.

My eyes flutter open and I’m not shocked to see a small monkey directly in front of me.  It’s fur is black and white and is about a foot and a half tall but I can’t be sure since it’s sitting down.

“If you are done examining me, I would like to finally introduce myself to you.” It’s, her, voice startles me a bit. I sit upon my bed with my legs under me and I reach out my hand like how Bobo did the First time we met.

“Sorry,” I give her a shy smile, “my name is-”

“Shirudo Koken’nin, I know.” She puts her small hand in mine, “My name is Tamotsu.”

“How do you know my name?”

My head tilts to the left curiously. Tamotsu pulls her hand away and gives me a smile.  “I am your guardian. I have been with you since birth, but because you weren’t in this universe I wasn’t able to come out or even speak to you through your mind.”

“You have always been with me?” I question before an uneasy feeling sinks into my stomach, “So you know about everything.” There was no need to clarify. She knows what I’m talking about.

Tamotsu looks up into my eyes sadly and nods her head.

What does she think of me then?  

After all the horrible things I have done, all the people I have killed with my own hands. I don’t regret killing the taints, those bastards deserved to die….but my hands are stained with innocent human blood.

Who would want to be around a person like me?

Someone who had their first kill at age seven. Someone who tortured hundreds of lives for practice and killed them when their mind turned into nothing but mush. Someone who is only a tool to be used for destruction. Someone who knows very little of the world around her. Someone who isn’t worthy of those few that care about her. Someone who is only a piece of dirt. Dirty from use and blood.

I was too busy in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Tamotsu was  trying to speak to me until she slapped my face bringing me out of them, “Stop.” A fierce and angry look was on her face and it startled be completely. “Don’t you dare think like that. And yes I know what you were thinking, We have a connection-a bond- that allows us to hear each others thoughts and feel each others feelings whenever we want and I don’t ever want to hear you thinking like that ever again. You aren’t trapped in that house anymore,  you don’t ever have to do anything Yuu tells you to do, you don’t have to kill innocent people, you are not a tool! So stop thinking so lowly of yourself.”  Her voice becoming soft and caring at the end.

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