Chapter 3-Target

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whoohoo!! :D

I dedicate this chapter to _ToastIsYummy_ for correctly guessing that Haruo's character is Akio Furukawa from Clannad.

If you don't know what Clannad is then I extremely recomend you watch it!! its amazing and it easily brings me to tears haha  

here's ch 3 my lovely readers!!

I know that the story doesn't take place in the Naruto universe yet but don't worry, it will get there in the next few chapters(:

Disclaimer:::I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. I do own Shirudo, Haruo, and Bobo and any other characters I might create through out the story.




Everyone knows what it is; but only some know the true meaning of it.

I know many types of pain, and yet there is still many more for me to experience myself.

They say emotional and mental pain is the worse.

 I say it’s the combination of physical, emotional, and mental pain.

The physical pain that makes you wish your life would end just so you won’t have to suffer anymore, and then the emotional and mental pain along with it that causes so much grief and depression that it drives you into insanity.

It’s the final push until they allow death to consume them...…..but they never actually die.

They become an empty shell. To any outsiders it would seem as if they are sleeping with their eyes open, no one would know that anything is wrong with them until they look into their eyes and see them dull and lifeless.

My father taught me how to cause this type of pain tenfold on others.. Showed me how to use this to receive information from people that are both willing and unwilling.

My family has a unique ability. Father told me it is called Sakkaku.

We can place illusions in others minds and can also receive images from others if they are thinking about it.

We can make them see images that we create and can control inside their mind. Also use their memories and turn them into their worst nightmares, changing them into anything we want.

The original memory they had is lost, replaced with the one we created. There is no way for anyone to stop it from happening and depending on the images we place inside, the damage is unimaginable and irreversible.

I use this ability only when I am practicing how to use it and when my father forces me to interrogate on people he needs information from.

Like now as an example.

There is a man that is beat up and is tied up to a chair in the middle of the room we use for interrogations. My father, and for some odd reason Haruo, are standing by the door so they can observe my interrogation of him.

The room has no windows, chains and shackles hang from the ceiling, a sink in the very corner of the room with a table attached to it with many torture devices on it, the floor is made of cement instead of wood, and there is blood everywhere you see in the room purposely creating a haunting and scary effect.

Most of the blood is from the interrogations where my father has me torture them physically only. The rest of it is my own blood...

Shaking away unwanted memories, I look down at the man in front of me emotionlessly. If he is a criminal or has done some unspeakable actions then I will not feel sorry or depressed about using Sakkaku on him, scum like that disgust and will not gain any mercy from me.

I tend to be cold blooded when it comes to people I like to call 'tained'. Criminals and others who have done horrible activities are in my tained catagory for example.

Hopefully he’s a criminal. Using Sakkaku on innocent people always depresses and causes me to suffer mentally knowing I caused someone’s ‘death’ who never deserved it.

I place my right hand in the mans brown hair and grab a fist full of it, pulling it up so he is forcefully looking at me in the eyes.

His eyes are full of arrogance and cockiness, a smirk is playing on his face as he looks at me, “Oh look, a little girl has come to play with me.” The man snickers and licks his split lips, “Hey sweety, I know a place I want you to play with.” 

Just my luck.

'He’s a tainted,' I grin inwardly.

Keeping my face expressionless and I speak monotonously, “Don’t worry,” I tighten my grip on his hair causing him to wince and curse at me, “you will be enjoying what I will be playing with.” Then I activate my Sakkaku and concentrate only on his mind, then send my favorite illusion.

I’m basically creating a scary story inside his head.

Imagine the little ghost girl in a white night gown covered in blood that appears in a scary story, I place myself inside their minds to ‘haunt’ them throughout their memories.

Following them wherever they go. Every turn they make, they see the ghost image with a psychotic smile and a simple long kitchen knife in 'my' hand.

In the memories I created and placed 'me' in, my victims start to become paranoid and extremely afraid of the ‘ghost’ me.

I purposely created this illusion for people like him so that when I’m finished using Sakkaku, the person I’m interrogating willingly tells me everything I ask simply out of their fear of me being close to them.

I release his head and the room is soon filled with his horrified filled screams, with me standing in front of him watching him being tormented inside his own mind.

As the man screams drag on, a part of me wonders what Haruo-san thinks of my interrogations on those who aren't innocent.


Yea, I know its short but I plan on making it into two parts so be patient^_^

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