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I have been tagged by Subin1592 so thanks girl. Let's get to it! 

By the way... I'm sorry for not uploading! >.< I got a deadly disease known throughout the world of authors: lazisitis. I'll get back on track! :)

How it works: I/you will state 13 facts about yourselve and then tag people and then ask them 13 questions.

1.- I'm becoming very self conscious of my diet, figure blah blah blah. You know. The norm. And that's... disturbing. Even though I know beauty is considered in the inside but you know?  It's kind of hard to have that thought in your head when everyone around is becoming a model while you're unchanging. I hate that feeling-don't you?

2.- I won't trust anyone fast, so if you want to be friends with me outside the digital world, hon? You got no chance of winning. I'm stubborn as a mule.

3.- I have model friends! Literally! Everyone has a perfect figure (yes Subin1592, that includes you and stop cause you're not gonna convince me darling) that I'm proud of, but still am envious.

4.- Believe it or not, I am confident in my voice. Sure, I get thrown off sometimes by cute voices like my classmates, but at least I have a powerful voice that can cross meaning if I want to and I'm proud of it.

5.- We can probably get along with each other in real life if a) you're not noisy or nosy b) you're yourself and not someone else and c) honest with others.

6.- If you need a shoulder to cry... come here baby! You don't deserve to cry. And tell me if someone makes you cry. I'll make voodoo doll and torture him, muah ha ha!>:)

7.- I'm probably the most tannest girl you'll ever find in Mexico.

8.- I have a friend that I know that will never abandon me and that'll support me with everything she can for me. Thanks for being there and keep being there for me Subin. :)

9.- Mua don't like lies. So don't tell me lies or else... Hades will send you to Tartarus...

10.- I love, love, LOVE Percy Jackson series, Harry Potter series, Narnia Series and all supernatural books. Message me if you can recommend me new ones please.  I'm bored with no books to read....

11.- I am really weird. Like, I never talk to anyone new, I have a pokerface that seems like I'm glaring at them while I'm not, and really REALLY awkward  be with. If you're someone REALLY close to me, then I am silly and weird and stuff. I have a very real 5d personality.

12.- Social media is my family I guess.... outside of my real one of course.

13.- Last but not least, I might be BTS Jin and RapMinster's illegitimate child. Like Jin, I'm awkward with everything. Like, bruh. Even my social classmate of like 9 years tried to talk to me hi. And I was like hi. And it got really awkward... I'm RapMonster's daughter because I can't dance well and I have a horrible fashion sense.

Let's get on to the questions of Subin1592! :)

1.- How tall are you and in what year were you born?

148 something, not . And I'm a 2003 liner and I'm proud.

2.-When and how did you discover about K-Pop?

My bro. He introduced me to kpop by showing me Big Bang. I then surfed through, got hooked on SHINee then Subin introduced me to BTS so... yeah

3.- How often do you clean your room? (It just came into my mind while I was staring at my surroundings,lol )

Never. Only if my mother tells me to.

4.-Water or soda?

Depends. I mostly vote fir water since it's healthy, but once In a while, soda isn't bad.

5.- Ice cream or chips?

Ice cream in hot days and chips in cold days. Hey, don't judge! :)

6.- What is the first thing you want to do when you're 20 years old? Or if you're already 20 years old or more, what was the first thing you did?

Hm... Subin, I have a question. Is this inspired on Adult Child Jin, RapMonster and Suga or is it pure coincidence?<:) anyway, go on a world tour and attend a concert of BTS with Subin.

7.- Can you cook well?

No? At least, compared  my family. They're chefs I'm telling ya. Seriously...

8.- At what time do you wake up to prepare to go to school?

6:15? 6:30? 6:48? It changes.

9.- Favorite month?


10.- Favorite season (spring, summer, fall and winter) and why?

Summer and spring. Summer because I can celebrate my BFF's bday and spring because its a new beginning of a new year.

11.- Choose: lick a beggar's feet for the of your life? Or devour your vomit for the rest of your life?

Ugh.. second one. I got used to it since  had gastritis. No biggie.

12.- Oreos or chocolate chip cookies?

Both! Well.. depending... you know. If I have my "monthly friend" or not.

13.- Choose: have an amazing body shape and have and bad looking, or be really pretty/good looking than any other kpop idol, and have the worst body shape.

First. Although I wanna have a pretty face, body figure is the hardest to change so... yeah.

my question! Voila! :)

1. FAVORITE kpop group?

2. How did you meet them?

3. If you could marry a kpop idol, who would.it be and why?

4. Any k-drama you can recommend me? *wriggles eyes*

5. Any songs that you recomend me?

6. Any memories of happy things?

7. What's you fav holiday and why.

8. Be honest. Who's your pet peeves?

9. Love question dire in need. What would you do if you suddenly like a guy who liked you but not any more and ignores you while you are going to transfer after graduation?

10. Any stories you'll going to make?

11. Any authors you recommend? (Btw, I recommend Subin1592 because, Subin1592 readers, she's plain awesome, humorous and fun!)

12. Ok, enough games! Do you have any crushes at the moment? How did you meet? Why do you  him? ( too far? ... alright. Just do the firwt one if you like. The other questions is if you want to)

13. What's your dream? :)

Good night and I'm really really sorry it wasn't an update. See the pic above so you know I wasn't completely lazy!

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